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augur starseed archetype

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The Lyrans who arent incarnated on our planet are typically found in the higher dimensions in the sixth dimension and up. If you havent, theres a theory that the earth is actually hollow. No one can fool an Arcturian starseed. As a Venusian I had the role of mediator. If so, youre a starseed. This section explains the 11 starseed types and their corresponding traits. There are over 75 million Pleiadians on Earth at any time. Feline starseeds value rich experiences that can help them grow. Great article . Many Arcturians are natural healers and possess the innate ability to become a Shaman, should they feel a calling. Your mind works deeper than anybody else. But again vampires/zombies scare he daylight out of me. Last but not least, rainbow children. Yeah, I resonated with quite a few with them on a deep level. When they want to, they have a strong sense of humor, and are full of joy and gratitude. Sirius B is a water planet that is supposed to house dolphins, whales, and merpeople. Every August, you can connect with the high-vibrational and loving energy of the Sirian race during the Lionsgate Portal. Because you possess overflowing divine wisdom, you have the capacity to educate humans on how to achieve higher spiritual ascendancy. This is why many lightworkers struggle to identify with other Starseed types, even if they have had past lives as them before. I am a green, white, and black satanist witch. I have an extremely close affinity for canines, snakes, and birds, (I know as much as an expert) but also I love the air and water element, but my shadow element is fire. It is said that this Reptilian race destroyed their home by cultivating disease, famine, and greed. This affects your ability to provide yourself with proper self-care and self-nurture. But I know think I was just scared. They are now here on Earth to guide humans not to make the same mistake they did. This is why tuning into your higher self and frequency is just as important as tuning into the masses of your soul group. Because our Original Soul Source took on different Planet Experiences, It Knows in Knowingness and it understands in conceptual Love. They stand by their principles and live by them unapologetically. Though its said their galaxy is spiritually linked to ours. Because theyre so empathic, they need to feel secure that everyone around them is feeling at their best. Ancient soul here to create a new earth and share unconditional love. Type 8: The Protector. may have a fascination with mermaids since childhood, have a relationship with one or more ascended masters, if not a love for dogs, may have a love for cats, may have cat-like, dog-like or mermaid-like physical characteristics, a catlike appearance: catlike eyes (upturned almond shaped eyes and catlike nose), enjoy physical labor and are hard workers. You inspire others with your originality. Its what makes the game of life so interesting. My whole life Ive felt this Call. Always best to listen to that inner knowing, even if you cant explain how you know something. Best-Selling author and Jungian analyst, Marion Woodman augur starseed archetype & ERIN BLACKWELL based on George 's. Empowering humanity with discovering their psychic gifts times on the pain of others - help her win back is! Do trust your dreams as they are your souls memories. Pleiadians are drawn to water animals i.e. I resonate most with Orion and lyran. The star beings are able to be contacted through channeling and divination. Associated with dragons, draconian starseeds are a reptilian subrace. Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) expands on the work of Dolores Cannon, the original pioneer of Quantum Healing Hypnosis with QHHT. You can use your divine wisdom to look at a situation beyond its surface value. As an advanced soul, you could either be young or old. And then I happened to read about the word Starseed and that eventually led me here. Here are some of the Andromedan starseed traits: Polarian starseeds come from the North Star Polaris. Then your experiences will not come Home. Crystal children are considered the starseed group. Theyre known for wearing their feelings on their sleeves and are happy to let others into their inner world. Finally, I encourage you to read more about the starseed types that resonated, and also read about the stars and planets themselves. They can have a hard time providing it for themselves and often lack self-worth. Refreshing to read this! They see the broad picture, but that can often lead to unrefined thinking and using brute force. I am very drawn to transmutation and evolution . have a strong connection or affinity with cats (these people prefer cats over dogs! Are they my past lives? Incredibly telepathic, can receive information via the mind, May seem big-headed or egotistical if out of alignment, Often will climb a corporate ladder on Earth (tendency to rise to the top), Often found in fields such as: mathematics, data, science, communication, technology, medicine, engineering, architecture, Can be compassionate, but very guarded with their emotions, May seem callous as theyre not in tune with other peoples emotions, Interested in the mathematical side of spirituality e.g. Feline starseeds are those who can never stop developing themselves. Therefore, in January and December, 2020/2021, many Venusians will begin to live and breathe through the conceptual pain of Home. So, what can I do to help Mother Earth feel the love and light that I wish to give her. However, Orion might be the incarnation youve had more recently before your earthly one. Saoirse Clare Host Bio: Saoirse Clare is an energetic mentor for Starseeds, creator of the Starchetype System, and author of the book "Starseed Archetypes: The Ultimate Guide." Her mission is to help Staseeds understand their journey a little more clearly through coaching, podcasting, and clarifications. The Starseed Archetype (or Starchetype) System serves as a means to activate and align the Starseed Collective to accelerate the global ascension mission. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline. There are a lot of posts online that claim starseeds must look a certain way, but a soul seeking expansion and evolved consciousness isnt likely to be picky about what characteristics and traits they are re-born with. Draconian starseeds, or dracos for short, hail from the Draco constellation which is only around 303 light-years from Earth. drawn to royal blue and other shades of blue, being a true visionary: creativity at its maximum and then producing your ideas in reality, must feel freedom in their spiritual path and show others the same kind of respect, have a deep connection with birds birds seem to follow or gravitate towards you, you see things from a high level but can also see the most minute of details clearly, speaking your mind and owning your truth may be a challenge or your greatest asset, you spiritually work with bird deities, specifically Thoth and Isis, Venusian starseeds are often very tall and slender, sensual and passionate individuals may have a hard time committing to one mate, highly spiritual beings: sometimes to a fault and need to be reminded or taught how to ground themselves (high up in their head chakras), feel very connected to the universe, higher self, and guides, interest in outer space and ancient civilizations, huge interest in metaphysics and bringing the new age in, drawn to ancient Egypt and, namely, the goddess Hathor as well as Venus and Aphrodite, often attractive individuals with coveted facial features (women are very feminine and men are masculine and model-like), interested in alternative healing modes, particularly using sound and ritual, being drawn to the planet Mars (finding a desire to travel there or interested in the colonization of Mars), strong connection to water and fire elements, have memories and dreams of being on the surface of Mars, have a light aura and are often thought of as pure or light beings, quiet or tend to stay in the background to observe others, have a strong desire to travel and explore (i.e. This might look like healing a family trauma that spans generations, or breaking away from a family and learning to live independently. But I do feel like I have recently had a download about this very topic. Feel like they have a big mission on Earth. Perhaps a test is why youre here, but I dont feel that is my path. how to look for signs in your natal chart here, Starseed Witchcraft: 9 Cosmic Magick Practices for Starseed Witches, The Starseed Oracle Deck: An Otherworldly Review. Here we attempt to define the types of starseeds and provide common physical and spiritual characteristics of each. Here are the Polarian starseed traits: Hadarian starseeds come from Beta Centauri. Lyran starseeds were the oldest souls in our known galaxy. If there are lessons to be learned, they are to be learned now, not by identifying with something that no longer exists. youve been misunderstood your entire life, people often tell you you are cold or void of emotions, drawn to lost civilizations and ancient cultures. I relate to three different starseed types. Since it took Home Its Own Incarnations, I recently found out that it can be confusing, when one is born into a family with different Starseeds. Weve been fascinated by the Dog Star Sirius since the beginning of time. I am very free-spirited and kind of a rebel at heart. It vibrates at an incredibly high, non-physical, 6D frequency. Orion starseeds come from the Orion constellation. Not all Orion Starseeds are the same though. I am highly intuitive and empathic. ), Why Soul Healing May Be the Catalyst for Your Spiritual Growth, Spirit Guides: 6 Ways to Make the Connection (Beginner and Advanced). While each of the starseed types are endowed with divine gifts, there will still be times when the world could be overwhelming for you. There where we came from, before mutating ourselves. yes maybe u have lived past lives in them so u resonate with these them, I have mixed traits of all starseeds mentioned here. Its highly unlikely any first-generation Lyrans exist anymore. I also do tattoo work. These characters are often seen as visionaries. It is a system that works off of the premise that based on your birth time (it actually uses 30 days before your birth day), your soul chose this vessel to incarnate into. I feel the same feelings.. im indigo children In my life experience it seems a Lot of things have been shoved under the rug as things we DONT TALK ABOUT, I feel this isnt the way. Ancicent Egypt, African tribes, and other people have legends and connections with the Star Sirius and with good reason. starseed archetypes: void walker starseed coach website and book review. There are tarot readings on Youtube that can help you explore this side of yourself more if you feel drawn to do so; type in starseed tarot and a few readings should come up! You may know me as the creator of the Starchetype System and the author of Starseed Archetypes: The Ultimate Guide. They are found in roles such as spiritual mastery, psychology, healing, child care, as well as environmental fields such as ecology. Feline starseeds are not the type to be focused on the outside world. There is no maliciousness behind their behavior. Note: Dark Reptilians are different to Light Reptilian starseeds. If you are a starseed, you are not foreign to the feeling of not belonging. I like to cleanse in salt water, however I do have a fear of water and memories of drowning in a past life. I still have the recording of my session and days after that session I even integrated the spot the Armageddon started. Only around 25% of the people incarnated on the planet are native. Its believed that Earth is heading towards a Sirian culture at a rather rapid rate. Discovering who you are can be extremely validating. How you're meant to manage your energy. The Starseed Archetype (or Starchetype) System serves as a means to activate and align the Starseed Collective to accelerate the global ascension mission. But if you think things should be kept quiet, then you do you, man. They can be elated one minute and then brought crashing back down to Earth the next. Their traits include: Draconian starseeds are from the Draco constellation. The potential in ourselves, the potential in others, and the potential of life. And each of us can be defined by a soul type and soul archetype. Because you dont want to be perceived as selfish, you willingly offer up what you have at your expense. The Sage embodies the quality of wisdom. Both Sirius A and Sirius B are thought to be the first to start the spiritual awakening of human beings. Purpose: Arcturians are strong-willed beings, who naturally command leadership. I have mixed between : lyran + andromedian + sirian so ? The Annunaki starseeds are a new realm of incarnating beings of whom we are just beginning to learn about. to heal and uplift, they also have very personal and individual missions to complete too. Dear Charlotte, Thank you so much for all this priceless information! Our uniqueness is our currency in this life and beyond. You can broadly think of a Starseed as a soul whos come in another star system to incarnate on Earth. The main mission of Orion starseeds is to make the people understand how the world works both physical and not. This could be done for several reasons. I also have blue eyes with flecks of gold in them. Pleiadians live in multiple dimensions and can incarnate on earth from any of those dimensions. So in essence the living dead. Dark Reptilians are dark starseeds. Hailing from the Orion constellation, Orion starseeds are the philosophers and the scientists here on Earth. They need to learn compassion for where people are at on their journey and be accepting of their limitations. But I have yet to hear any other mentions about it. How to manifest using your soul imprint. If youre an old soul especially, you might have lived hundreds of past lives across many different galaxies and planets. Theyre the ultimate non-conformists and cant be placed in a hole by any system. A reptilian.. an old women I think a shaman.. and others . You want to bring them Home, but because they dont always belong to your true Home, you cannot place their love or lack thereof . So if youre an Orion starseed, youve probably incarnated in other star systems before Orion. Much like Maldek, Lemurian and Atlantean were two lands prospering with advanced technologies and culture. 2020 was a year of complete upheaval and change; its this kind of phenomenon that can give way to a new star person incarnation. I tend to be very soft spoken and I observe and analyze people all the time, so much in fact that I cant seem to slow my mind enough to fall asleep easily. Weaknesses:The Lover can be too much of a people pleaser. Some believe when we die, we pass through the Arcturian realm during the process of return. Can you tell me what you know and we can compare notes? Your preferred method for communicating with outer realms and cosmic entities (and.with people here on Earth!) Yet, our True Source of Origin took on these experiences, and integrating them. The heart-centred soul has love and compassion for all living beings. Gaias people: very drawn to caring for our Earth during evolution, Fantastic sense of humor and not afraid to act silly, Feel like they have a mission to save animals or nature, Drawn to lost civilizations, myths and legends, May be attracted to the ocean and water if from Sirius B, Have a difficult time expressing emotions in relationships. Keep in mind, this list doesnt include every single starseed type, as the universe is inconceivably large. These starseeds are also tasked to uplift women and children. This kind of conquest thinking can lead them biting off more than they can chew. And with Venus connection to Earth, each will go through their own love or lack thereof from their own Home. They also seek to help humans with discovering their psychic gifts. As a result, these beings are advanced in the arts as well as traditional healing practices such as Reiki, crystal healing, and counseling. These beautiful souls come from the planets Sirius A and Sirius B, with the latter being the brightest star in Earths sky. Wow, how remarkable. We chose to be in our body, we were there before birth. You are able to feel what others feel so you can understand and help them better. 32 Major Signs that Confirm You are One, Pleiadian Starseed Am I One? Whilst Starseeds have a group mission i.e. What Starseeed Races were Mermaids ? In recent years, it was discovered that Sirius is a two-star systema fact the Dogon tribe in Africa has been saying for years! I must apply it to boring life today on earth. My spirit guardian animal is the vulture. They have pure energy, almost child-like based on my interaction with them during meditations. I take deep pride in learning my clients why, investing emotion in their stories, and bringing those messages to life. I cant tell how I felt while reading the 32 signs of being a Starseed!! OR find out which star system youre from, or whether you have other soul origins by purchasing a soul origin profile from Allorah. You are VERY pompous. Starseeds are also very sensitive, regardless of the starseed types. The reason its civilization died out? I think Im an Agarthan Lyran Lemurian, Is that possible? She also discusses organization in each of the four star families and gives insight to the Augur Illumination Phase that will begin next month on 4/4! Thank you for your words. I like heat. The Twelve Starchetype Imprints serve as a guide for how all Starseeds can thrive and find community while being of highest service to humankind. You can sometimes be guilty of stepping on the journey of others. I am truly grateful for your time research and information.. do you know anyone who does divination on this after reading im feeling like a few of these resonate. I believe I was mostly recently a Orion Starseed. They all have very different abilities, skills, and talents. But, of course, I could be wrong. Its likely theyre still incarnating at this moment in timebut its possible were on the cusp of a new star child being born. Mermaid Origins: Do Mermaids Come From Atlantis and Lemuria? Yes, were all human in our current incarnation, but weve lived other places and were just trying to figure out where we belong, where weve come from. Life isnt a static experience. The Sage (The Free Thinker and Innovator), Dont Let Your Soul Type or Archetype Define You Too Much, The New Paradigm of the Punk Rock Psychic, What is Quantum Healing (and Why is it So Powerful? drawn to reptiles and amphibians lizards, turtles, snakes, etc. Im here on a mission. etc. However, pleiadian starseeds are also known to be very smart. Their main goal is to elevate their own spirituality so that they can be an inspiration to many. Your soul falls into one of these four types. May exhibit strong feminine, nurturing energy, People-pleasers, often to their own detriment. They struggle to express emotions. Your higher purpose will always unfold one way or another. This brings the Star Wars at more peace, where Earth is now the Station where it is fought out. Weaknesses:The Sage can sometimes be too introspective. Theyre just different from other Starseeds in the way they think and function. Our humble group has banded together to deliver thought-provoking, life-changing, and growth-probing wisdom. But recently felt that, the concept is one in the same. Weaknesses:The leader archetype has the tendency to abuse their position. The human expression is too dynamic to ever be truly defined by such a list of personalities. A Sirian starseed is a soul that has originated from the planets called Sirius A and Sirius B. Sirius A is considered as the brightest star in the Earths sky while Sirius B is a water planet where water beings such as merpeople live. This can either be through trying out new things or travelling to new places. My gut still tells me something huge is going to happen but dont know what and feel I need to be completely aligned with something to reach that event. Their main strength is their intuitive nature. very intelligent and mostly driven by mentality, mental but not emotional beings: here to learn how to love and experience emotions, great sense of humor, can be the life of the party, opinionated individuals who dont sway on their perspective easily, jack of all trades: they have knowledge about a lot of different topics, may come off as cold emotionally (often unintentionally), interest in ancient cultures and societies, able to work with different forms of technology effortlessly, entrepreneurs: want to lead and inspire others, task-oriented: see things through and are very much involved in the details and the process, often incarnate as earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, some Orion starseeds have bright, sky-blue or ice blue eyes that draw you in (though there are many Orion starseeds with all eye colors), leaders in their communities and workplaces, sometimes come off as arrogant or having a big ego, have an interest in metaphysics, particularly sacred geometry, often incarnate with darker skin (but again Arcuturian starseeds vary in appearance), planners: they like to develop a plan for almost everything and stick to the plan, compassionate but seem to guard their feelings, may show anger as their form of emotion when they are hurt or upset, confident individuals with a drive for success, telepathic abilities: can read peoples thoughts easily or transfer their own message to others telepathically, have a mission to set up a new society where technology and spirituality meld cohesively, choose careers in the fields of technology, architecture, invention, science, math, statistics, advancing medicine, not in tune with their emotions and therefore this is one of their lessons here on earth, sensory processing issues: highly sensitive to lights, sounds, textures, smells, lower body temperature (not due to other health causes), lower blood pressure (again not due to any foreseeable illness), Empathic: feel and take on others energies, can transmute when they are in alignment, Often tall and slender with blonde hair and blue eyes (though this varies by individual, remember! 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augur starseed archetype