Tabletop Simulator > Workshop > Five by Five's Workshop > Curse of Strahd - Death House w/ Fog of War . i just realized before running this for my group in a couple days, this only has the subdungeon, it does not have the upper part of Death House dungeon in it. A character possessed by Rose gains the following flaw: I like being in charge and get angry when other people tell me what to do., A character possessed by Thorn gains the following flaw: Im scared of everything, including my own shadow, and weep with despair when things dont go my way.. The characters must first survive a grueling series of battles in the dungeon before emerging into a ritual chamber where the spirits of deceased cultists appear and urge them to make a sacrifice. I combined the campaign introduction my party decided on and weaved it into The Creeping Fog plot hook from the first chapter. THe map of the House itself is there. Hopefully this will continue and allow for milestones to be used in Adventurers League games. [], Keep in mind, I probably wrote this really late and I now want to change everything unless you like it. There are three ways to run the encounter with the nursemaid, each varying with her emotional and spiritual state: Hostile, Alien, and Friendly. He was getting miffed that his smites and healing weren't working saying that he might go into a magic class. The toy chest contains an assortment of stuffed animals and toys. The PCs killed the presumes vampire spawn and were devestated upon discovering the illusion. In hindsight, theyd probably choose the level 3 start. The rooms of the house are modified in the following ways: Players never know the number of successes necessary to win the challenge, but it is always weighed against three failures. It felt much more accessible during game-time. Plus, It introduces a lot of themes showcased throughout CoS and gives the DM more info on Strahd. On 5 failures, the slowest two adventurers are trapped while their companions make it to safety. The desk has several items resting atop it: One of the books on the shelves is titled The History of (PCs Name). If read, it provides a narration of the PCs entire life. and our It should be there now. Its also offered by WotC for free as either a sampling of CoS or as a standalone haunted house adventure thatsperfect for a Halloween one-shot! Death house sacrifice opinions Hey folks, first time DM here, had a question about an idea I had for death house. Here is the Paladin choice for example was between Lathander and one of the old ones ( Tenebrous): [This is for you and you alone to know] None of the rooms in the house are lit when the characters arrive, although most areas contain working oil lamps or fireplaces. Error: No match for email address or password. Just a few pieces of spot art sprinkled throughout the adventure wouldve helped the flow. Items taken from the house arent replaced, nor are undead that are destroyed. I happen to have a corgi mini, and I was thinking about having a mysterious presence (strahd) appear and leave the dog behind. As others have said, there isn't a map for the part of the dungeon without the shambling mound. She is arrogant to an extreme, and shuns her dead husband, calling him a lecherous traitor who deserved his death. Yet it was a coincidence. However, on closer inspection they noticed bodies hanging from the trees. Privacy Policy. Eleint 27, 1489DR - The Fading (September) After barely surviving the horrors of Death House, the adventurers seek food, rest, and refuge. He has the statistics of a restrained commoner with 1 hit point remaining and is bound by chains. In it, Strahd used an illusion to make an NPC important to the PCs look like a vampire spawn and had them attack people. I printed mine on normal printer paper and glued them to foam board with spray adhesive. When introducing a campaign to people who have seemingly appeared out of nowhere into a strange land, a bit of railroading is helpful for giving the players a direction to start their big adventure. The house has wooden floors throughout, and all windows have hinges that allow them to swing outward. Not a big deal, but it wouldve been a nice addition. If the characters achieved 4 successes before 3 failures, all make it outworse for wear, and forced to carry in their hearts this hellish night forevermore. Curse of Strahd infraredphaeton. Strahd slaughtered the cultists and left their spirits to haunt what is now the Death House. First post! I'm really sorry about this, guys! Ergo, this section isnt all that bad if the party is smart about their escape and has some healing. Chanting can be heard coming from the west. Not quite ghosts, yet not quite illusions, the Dursts are representative of the emotional carnage of the manor. Also, their file size tends to be smaller than scanned image books. The house has four stories (including the attic), with two balconies on the third floorone facing the front of the house, the other facing the back. It can move through tunnels without squeezing and completely fills its space. It takes 2d6 hours for the house to complete its resurrection. This also includes the initial plot hook information. Did anyone have a quick fix solution for this? The cult was using these "relics" during their rituals. While the encounters might make your party hesitant to explore the house, all these secrets may give them a reason to continue exploring. I think not. Once the party approaches the house, the mist quickly surrounds them, trapping them inside the Death House until they confront the monster in the basement. Each character rolls to pass through the scythes. We publish via DriveThruRPG and Kickstarter. He or she has disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks, but gains blindsight out to a range of 60 feet. It is supported by the launch event adventure Death House; by the Curse of Strahd hardcover adventure; and by D&D Adventurers League adventures tied to the Curse of Strahd storyline. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. They will sing to wake up Lorghoth the Decayer, a Shambling Mound hiding in the southernmost alcove. Death House has put all its remaining energy to afflict its prey with a powerful phantasmal force spell (no saving throws required). The children fear abandonment. I'm thinking running it in six sessions of three hours each. To count as a sacrifice, a creature must die on the altar. When one or more characters reach the midpoint of the four-way tunnel intersection, four ghouls (former cultists) rise up out of the ground in the spaces marked X on the map and attack. After 1d10 days, the house begins to repair itself. Another brillint idea I read about is to have Strahd kill two PCs and then hand the living ones ONE scroll of revivify. All in all, most of these fights were solid. Unlike the illusions outside the house, these children know that theyre dead. Join. Unfortunatly I don't remember who came up with this idea. And to escape, the party must make it through those scythes. The suite is as cold and unforgiving as their marriage; while Gustav paces the room, Elisabeth fumes in mute disdain at her vanity. Set in the Ravenloft campaign setting, the module revolves around the vampire Strahd von Zarovich and the Demiplane of Dread that serves as his prison. Once you're there it's clear from the text that the trapdoor is intended to allow movement from the basement into the house proper. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. I agree with that, but I'm not worried about it - the flavor text in, f'rex, Fizban's Treasury of Dragons (chosen for being a recent and significantly player-facing book) was excellent and sufficient to the task. I'm sure there are more amazing ideas floating around in the community and I'd love to read about them! There are a fair number of encounters that dont even come close to matching up to WotCs own encounter balance rules! The suits of armor have been animated by Death House but are not true suits of animated armor. Cookie Notice I read the adventure once, skimmed through it before playing, and was good to go. Upper Hall Unlit oil lamps are mounted on the walls of this elegant hall. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. You can view our current digital titles at: Copyright 2021 For more information, please see our You abandoned love for madness, took solace in the bosom of another woman, and sired a bastard son. Movement doesn't matter; don't bother tracking it. One of them for the sub-dungeon, one for the main house. A PC experiences a false awakening, wherein they wake to see that one of their friends has been replaced by a ghast, which is slowly creeping toward another PC. Both ghosts can be intimidated into leaving their hosts with a successful DC 11 Charisma (Intimidation) check made as an action. Strahd's Greeting When the PCs escape Death House, many DMs agree that a congratulations from Strahd is in order. Attic Hall This bare hall is choked with dust and cobwebs. A cobweb-covered broom of animated attack (see appendix D, 19. An ambient soundtrack I mixed together from existing videos for my groups playthrough of Curse of Strahd! Look, I believe character death is a necessary part of my D&D games, but during the first or second session of a year-long campaign? If the party does not make an ability check for this obstacle, they accrue a failure, and each creature that passes through the doorway must. If asked how they died, Rose and Thorn explain that their parents locked them in the attic to protect them from the monster in the basement, and that they died from hunger. Death House (Curse of Strahd) Battle Map | 30 x 43. Tribality Publishing takes our best received content and ideas and develops books. Not to mention the fact that we had multiple near-TPKs during these first 2 sessions. Its goal is to continue the work of the cult by luring visitors to their doom. The Death House isfull of secrets. 1970s & 1980s ; Date Setting Title Type Author(s) ISBN Series ; 06/1976-06/1977: Greyhawk: The Gnome Cache: Novella: Garrison Ernst: 02/1978: Greyhawk: Quag Keep: Novel: Andre Nor They can be convinced to wait in the portico (area 1A) while the characters search the house. But how do we DMs do that? Rooms are 8 feet tall and supported by thick wooden posts with crossbeams. Its a bit much. No need, I have arrived (several months late, and with my head held in supplication). I was just wondering what kind of paper do you think would be best to print these on for use? First-edition works of poetry and fiction. Characters without darkvision must provide their own light sources, as the dungeon is unlit. On a failure, the creature takes 7 (2d6);{"diceNotation":"2d6","rollType":"damage","rollAction":", succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 3 (1d6);{"diceNotation":"1d6","rollType":"damage","rollAction":", guardians that ride flying creatures called gloamwings. Ive shared with other Dungeon Masters running the game, and now Im sharing with you: My notes for running Death House are evolving, and you can add comments. I'm really sorry I didn't get this up in time for you to run it with your group! The children will protect them from the evil that is the house. I used this for my group this past Halloween and it was easy to use and put together and everyone enjoyed it. Description Discussions 0 Comments 16 Change Notes < > 16 Comments Turbo Baggins Sep 12, 2022 @ 11:09am Same here. The books rot and fall apart if taken from the house. Yet, its not the story itself thats the ingenious part. The dollhouse contains small dolls that depict tiny, twisted molds of any characters and creatures currently visible in the house. You say that you are cursed, your fortunes spent. I think its a great backstory, and the story is told in bits and pieces to the party as they explore the house. The cult used to perform rituals in this sunken room. If freed, he stumbles down the darkened corridors, babbling madly before fading from being. The skeletons on the wall are harmless dcor. A link for theDeath House adventure was shown in Februarys issue of Dragon+, and looks like it could be a great start to a lengthy D&D Ravenloft campaign. A PC hears rats scrabbling up and down the spaces between the walls. Of course, its not without flaws. The notes are geared toward Adventurers League play, but are relevant to anyone preparing to run the adventure. If you know, please tell me! I have a good hunch one of my players is going to offer his familiar as a sacrifice for the ritual. Most newer books are in the original electronic format. The ledges and central dais are 5 feet high (3 feet higher than the waters surface), and the chambers ceiling is 16 feet high (11 feet above the dais and ledges). Road. This meant that the party missed a good chunk of the story, but they got the majority of it so they still pieced most of it together. The only exception is area 38, which has a 16-foot-high ceiling supported by stone pillars. Their options are to travel toward Barovia or travel in the other direction and wind-up where they appeared. Either way, your players should feel as though they have just made a grave error. They worked as a fantastic way to get the party to check out the house which is all that is required. Beware: turn back now if you dont wish to see a ton of spoilers! The video should loop seamlessly. 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A black carriage arrived at, The Mists Characters who remain outside the, Endings The mists of Ravenloft continue to surround, end up in area 22. All of this is valuable info for those of us running CoS, but the general theme of cultists being killed by a greater entity is easily modified for those running this as a standalone adventure. Eventually, Strahd von Zarovich arrived in Barovia. Steve tries to startle upright, but Munson's hands are . They are fearsome agents of, island domain. All of the interlinking handouts and monster sheets made this a breeze to run despite it being an annoying read-through. The only iffy fight on the first floor of the basement was against the ghast versions of Gustav and Elisabet, but the party set up a solid chokepoint to deal with them. If a PC plays the Song of Elizabeth found on the desk in the library on the harpsichord in this chamber, the conservatory fills with ghosts that dance about the room to the tune of the melody. While they had multiple close calls and a couple of near TPKS, the adventure was an enjoyable introduction to the campaign setting, Barovia. The grinding noise signals the opening of the secret passage in the attic. The mindlessly repeat any or all of the following phrases as they attack the PC's: "Beautifu. The pit is 10-feet deep. Some links to stores and online shopping websites include an affiliate code. They'll have to decide whom to save. If you just print them at "100%" / "actual size", they will come out the right size. Since I have a lot of older players in my group who have been playing from the AD&D days, they demanded that we not use any virtual tablet. But it wouldnt be true. Death House also lends itself really well to this kind of exploration, unlike many other parts of CoS (it's small and each room is very distinct). One-click unsubscribe later if you don't enjoy the newsletter. To all our Our Patrons for their unwavering love and support. If asked how one gets to the basement, Rose points to the dollhouse and says, Theres a secret door in the attic. Characters who then search the dollhouse for secret doors gain advantage on their Wisdom (Perception) checks to find them. I haven't been able to find anything. Sorry for taking so long to get to this! Storage Room Dusty shelves line the walls of this room. The hook to get you into the house is to find a baby and . Cursed by darkness? Lorghoth the Decayer, a shambling mound, was both the final boss of the adventure (depending on the ending the party chose) and the most ridiculous fight in the adventure. The original maps can be downloaded for free from Mike Schley's website. However, the party wound up not using it and instead dove straight into the basement. DUNGEON FEATURES Available in hi-res format for print Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The chanting heard throughout the dungeon originates here, yet when the characters arrive, the dungeon falls silent as the chanting mysteriously stops. He left them alone until they accidentally tortured and killed adventurers he brought into his domain as guests playthings. If Thorn is asked about his uncle, he shrinks in on himself and falls silent, Rose hugging him while glaring daggers at the PC responsible. The character counts as an undead creature for the purpose of spells and effects such as turn undead. The serious issue with using MM creature stat blocks is that they don't have a way to scale, so you just outgrow some very cool forms. As we are all very visual people. The area above that is missing. If the party fights Lorghoth, aka decides not to sacrifice a living creature on the altar in the basement, theyll also need to escape from a transformed version of theDeath House. Hidden Spiked Pit The ghostly chanting heard throughout the dungeon gets discernibly louder as one heads west along this tunnel. The majority of my prep is spent filling in sheets for monsters, doing the dynamic lighting, and creating maps. Came out of the printer very nicely (A4) and came together like a charm. Each suit can make a spear attack (+2 to hit, 1 piercing damage) against targets within 5 feet; these attacks might be made with advantage (and melee attacks made against with disadvantage) depending on if any attackers are below them on the staircase. As a new DM I was wondering how I was going to draw all this out..but these are awesome and will make the death house so much more immersive for my group. Margaret does her best, but other clouds yet trouble my dreams. While the shadows spend their first round beginning to attack they say: "Begon from this place! His wife is Anna Krezkova. This challenge takes place only if one or more of the PCs are still possessed by the spirits of Rose and Thorn. Death House Adventure These areas are dusty and drafty, everything within them is old and draped in cobwebs, and the floorboards groan underfoot. But it can also twist them into hideous beings. I wish I could do what all fathers do and tell you that monsters arent real. And Im afraid the disease that afflicted her mind has taken hold of me as well. Although they appear to be flesh-and-blood children, Rose and Thorn are actually illusions created by the house to lure the characters inside. Bits and pieces to the basement, Rose points to the basement, and! It can also twist them into hideous beings own light sources, as the without. Ghosts can be intimidated into leaving their hosts with a better experience perform rituals in this sunken room:... Attic Hall this bare Hall is choked with dust and cobwebs of spoilers milestones to be used in Adventurers play! 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