Item Pool devil deal, pink, brown, face, spots, Can be placed next to a pit and exploded to make a bridge, Can be placed over a broken red poop to overwrite it, causing it to no longer regenerate, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, starting, turd, brown, Drops a large bomb below the player which does 185 damage, Compatible with bomb modifiers, such as Glitter Bombs, Sticky Bombs etc, Has a chance to drop from the Wrath miniboss fight, REPENTANCE - Damage buffed from 110 to 185, Item Pool: Item Room, Wrath Miniboss, Bomb Beggar, * mr boom, boss rush pool, boss rush room, item room, treasure room, item room pool, bomb beggar, face, smile, grey, gray, Each tear is equal to your damage stat + 25 flat damage, The tears spawned from Tammy's Head retain tear effects of Isaac's tears, such as poison or homing, * golden chest pool, gold chest pool, dead, cat, white, yellow, tammys head, tammy head, When used, freezes all enemies in the current room for about 4 seconds, Item Pool: Item Room, Challenge Room, Mom's Chest, * dungeon room, blood challenge room, arena pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, QN1W 1DDF . Carry them with you", "The walls will harden over time. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The effect is weaker than normal runes. Each use of this item gives +0.7 Damage Up, -0.18 Speed Down and the ability to destroy most obstacles for the current room. Holding this trinket increase that chance by +15%. Based on the Steam Workshop mod created by Strawrat and Aczom, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by dying to your own Ipecac explosion, Upon taking damage, you have a random chance to consume one of your currently held trinkets, gaining its effect permanently, Added as part of the Afterbirth+ Booster Pack #5. REPENTANCE - Bob's Brain now has an increased delay before becoming available when entering rooms. Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. . UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating the Boss Rush with Azazel, * devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, grey, gray, bloody, Spawns a trapdoor at Isaac's feet which allows him to travel to the next floor, Digging in certain spots with objects or markings on the floor will guarantee a crawlspace once per floor, In Sheol, Cathedral, Chest and Dark Room this item either opens a Crawl Space, or does nothing, Cannot spawn a trapdoor directly infront of a secret room entrance, Can destroy rocks if used when Isaac is flying over a rock, * secret room pool, devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, silver, grey, gray, dig, spade, shovel, * shop room pool, shop item pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, brown, pink, When used, spawns a Monstro which will jump on a random enemy in the room, dealing 120 damage and destroying nearby obstacles, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating the Basement II for the first time, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, white, grey, gray, bloody, monstros tooth, monstro tooth, Everytime you fire a tear, there is a chance that you will also fire three more tears in all cardinal directions, The chance to fire 4-way tears is affected by your luck stat and at +15 Luck it will activate every time, At +0 luck the effect has a 30% chance to activate, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Lokii for the first time, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, grey, gray, devil, lokis horns loki horns, A familiar that follows Isaac and charges forwards, dealing 3.5 damage per tick to any enemies it comes into contact with, REPENTANCE - The damage tick rate on Little Chubby has been increased, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating the Caves II for the first time, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, yellow, smile, face, bug, Tears now have a chance of slowing enemies and their projectiles for 2.5 seconds, The chance to slow enemies is affected by your luck stat and at +15 Luck it will activate every time, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, black, grey, gray, red, bug, Has a chance to drop when exploding a tinted rock, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by destroying 100 tinted rocks, * tinted rock, marked rock, grey, gray, lump, white, Reveals adjacent rooms up to 2 rooms away, this includes revealing if you're next to a Secret Room or Super Secret Rooms, Gives Isaac a slight glow when Curse of Darkness is active, Blocks damage from projectiles falling from above, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, spelunky, miner, mining, helpmet, light, purple, olmec yama Characters It will also sometimes randomly drop bombs. Happens a total of 3 times over 30 seconds, ??? Item Icon If picked up by Cain, it shoots blood tears and the damage becomes increased to 5 (instead of the usual 3.5), UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating the Dark Room with Cain, * golden chest pool, gold chest pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, follower, everyone knows it's abel, brown, grey, gray, dead, head, grey, green cain and abel cain & abel, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Challenge #14 (It's in the Cards), * item room, treasure room, item room pool, bloody, silver, grey, gray, sharp, Item Pool: Item Room, Secret Room, Bomb Beggar, * secret room pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, smile, face, grinning, doitfgt, REPENTANCE - The list of possible tear effects was updated in Repentance, to include all missing and new ones, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, pink note, money, cash, three dollar bill, increased tears stat does not reduce the charge up time of Brimstone. Based on the Steam Workshop mod created by Amethyst, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by using 5 Gulp! Azazel- Azazel gets Brimstone, The Ludovico Technique, Cricket's Head, Demon Tail, and 1 red heart. Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Objects Pickups mario, cartridge, nes, grey, gray, orange, When used, rerolls each item you currently own into another item room pool item and any pedestal items and pickups in the room, Has the combined uses of the D4, D6 and D20, REPENTANCE - Full run reroll effects (such as D4) are now able to remove heart containers and transformations if losing the respective items during the reroll, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Boss Rush with The Lost, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, deathstar, death star, dice pip, white, circle, sphere, When used, the D4 re-rolls each item you currently have into another random item from the same item pool, If you have an item with no room pool (e.g. However after the attack you end up near the boss, which puts you in danger of taking damage too, Scales in damage and area of effect with the player's size, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium as Jacob & Esau, When used will do a swipe attack in any direction. - Gives the curse of the maze effect for the current floor. Chapters Objects Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. * angel room pool, god room pool, angel room item, item room, treasure room, item room pool, Seeds Tears are fired in an arc. Both the box and trinket are consumed when this happens, UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by defeating Isaac, ?? Having a higher movement speed allows you to kick it harder, Enemies hit by the cube while moving have a high chance to become frozen. UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Hush as Bethany, At the beginning of each new floor, this item will stab Isaac and reduce your red health down as much as it can without killing you. Bosses Unlocked from the 'Once more with the feeling!' After which, the only way to access an Angel Room is via the Sacrifice Room, * curse room pool, red chest pool, red chest item pool, golden chest pool, gold chest pool, devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, brown, horns, When depleted, Black Hearts deal 40 damage to the entire room, in a Necronomicon style effect, * curse room pool, demon beggar pool, demon judgement pool, devil beggar pool, devil pool, Touching the white flame temporarily turns you into The Lost, but allows you to walk through the mirror into a mirrored version of this floor. arrow, Causes your friendly blue spiders and flies to become bigger and do x2 more damage, Allows Mom's Wig to spawn a maximum of 10 spiders at once instead of 5, Fly and spider familiars become stronger similar to BFFS, * shop room pool, shop item pool, blue, fat, Two items now spawn after beating a boss fight and the boss rush, however only one can be taken, The additional item will pick from the Boss Item Pool, Unlocked by donating to the donation machine in the shop, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by donating 50 pennies to the Shop, * shop room pool, shop item pool, white, question mark, square, theres options, * shop room pool, shop item pool, purple, paper, ticket, Isaac can now hold 2 cards or runes at once. Azazel is a playable character in The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls. Mom's Knife gives Incubus a smaller version of the item with the same base range as Isaac; However, . +2.75 range. Can cause white poops through other item effects such as A Card Against Humanity or Re-Lax pills. No longer reduces your devil/angel room chances when used, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, the lost item pool, bomb, tnt, clock, red, When used, causes all enemies in the current room to run away from Isaac in fear for 5 seconds. 00:00. Speed Up will be +0.3 instead of +0.15. Isaac appears demonic with large curved horns and an angry expression. Mulligan can be hit by enemy projectiles, making him a good shield, Enemies will sometimes target the Mulligan if he is closer, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, sad, baby, lumpy, brown, pink, When used, makes Isaac leap in the air, similar to the leaper enemies, Maintains momentum if you are already moving in the same direction, If you already have an item which gives you flying, this item becomes a dash effect instead, Can be used in the Isaac boss fight to jump over the beams of light he spawns, * library pool, library room, book room pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, Cannot be obtained and has no use for any other character, Birthright is a Shop item that has unique effects depending on what character you're playing as, This is the item Tainted Blue Baby (???) ?, Soul of the Lost, 4 rooms: Rune of Ehwaz, Rune of Perthro, Black Rune, Soul of Isaac, Soul of Eve, Soul of Eden, Soul of the Forgotten, Soul of Jacob and Esau, 6 rooms: Rune of Dagaz, Soul of Samson, Soul of Azazel, Soul of Apollyon, Soul of Bethany, 12 rooms: Rune of Jera, Soul of Lilith, Soul of the Keeper, Tears have a chance to fire a fungus tear that sticks to enemies. The bigger beam granted by double Brimstone synergizes with other items as expected. Replacing all 12 containers with broken hearts will kill you instantly. Blood Of The Martyr Damage Up. Platelets travel to the site of the injury. This means you need a way to teleport out of the Mom's Foot boss fight. Clots returning back to Eve deal 3x damage as they suck back in, The type of heart consumed to create a clot will give it different abilities: Soul Hearts = More health, Black Hearts = Dark Matter effect, Eternal Hearts = Sacred Heart effect, Gold Hearts = Midas Touch effect, Bone Hearts = Compound Fracture effect, Rotten Hearts = Less health, Tainted Eve starts with this item, but can be used by any character after unlocking it and finding it in the item room, UNLOCK: This item comes along with Tainted Eve. A familiar that follows Isaac and charges forwards very slowly, dealing 2.7 damage per tick to any enemies it comes into contact with, Almost identical to the Little Chubby familiar, but this one moves much more slowly and deals less damage, REPENTANCE - The damage tick rate on Big Chubby has been increased, Upon use, this item deals 9,999,999 damage to all enemies in the room and then kills you 3 seconds later, This is a single use active item, meaning it is destroyed after using it, Does not kill both phases of multi-phase bosses like Hush or Ultra Greed, If used to kill a boss, the kill still counts as a victory for post-it note completion marks, but the run will still get a game over, Delirium's death animation takes longer than 3 seconds, meaning you will die before it can count as a completion mark. white, brown, underwear, moms bra, mom bra, Causes an explosion near Isaac which takes away half a heart and does 40 damage all enemies in close proximity, REPENTANCE - Kamikaze now has increased blast damage and radius. Counts as 1 of 3 familiar items needed towards the Conjoined transformation. Character Appearance *, bag, grey, cry, blue, tear, shia paper bag sackhead, sad, Gives Isaac a cone of light infront of him that slows any enemies inside it and their tears, The light faces the direction that you are facing, not the direction you are firing, Removes Curse of Darkness for the current floor, if picked up on a floor where the curse is active, * Shop, Greed Mode Item Room, white, blue, inhaler, A purple familiar fly that follows your exact movement on a 1 second delay and deals 2 contact damage to enemies, When used, places an explosive TNT barrel next to you, The TNT barrel can be pushed and used to explode rocks or damage enemies, If used a second time in the same room while the last TNT barrel is still there, it will remotely explode the first TNT and not spawn another, REPENTANCE - Added to the Gold Chest Pool. Brimstone's charge (open mouthed laser) will overlap any item that is on the player's face; this is obviously a graphical bug. gray, horns, Tears are replaced with a knife which can be charged and thrown in a boomerang style action, The knife can also do damage without being thrown as a close range melee weapon, When used as a melee weapon, Mom's Knife deals your tear damage * 2 per tick, At the furthest point from Isaac the knife deals your tear damage * 6, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Satan with Isaac, Item Pool: Item Room, Devil Room, Challenge Room, Mom's Chest, * dungeon room, blood challenge room, arena pool, devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, item room, treasure room, item room pool, grey, gray, silver, Gives Isaac spectral tears which allows them to travel through objects in the environment (i.e. This means you can leave rooms before defeating the enemies inside, Doesn't open locked doors, or the door that leads to the Boss Room, Heals one red heart container when picked up, This item causes nearby enemies to be affected by the charm effect, causing them to attack other nearby enemies, The charm effect will wear off very quicky when enemies move away from Isaac, This item causes your tears to become rocks, which have increased knockback and can break other rocks and objects. - When used, shoots an Ipecac explosive shot. Fort Myers, FL - Isaac James Blood, 46, of Brewer, Maine, and Fort Myers, Florida, passed away unexpectedly in his sleep on December 26, 2022. ?, Satan and The Lamb as Tainted Azazel, When entering a new room, gives a small chance to gain Azazel's short-range Brimstone laser for the current room and the ability to fly, UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by defeating Mother as Tainted Azazel, Spawns 2 friendly Dips upon clearing a room, Dips that spawn after killing a Squirt turn friendly, UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by defeating Isaac, ?? REPENTANCE - White poop from Hallowed Ground is now more durable, similar to golden poop. Endings. The damage bonus is unaffected by both positive and negative damage multipliers. Upon use, displays a random fortune and has a chance to drop either a soul heart, a card (including dice shards), rune/soul stone or a trinket, Soul hearts and tarot cards are much more common than trinkets, With each tear fired, you have a chance to fire 1-3 extra tears in random directions, The extra tears scale with your other damage increasing items, Synergises with other items that replace your tears, like Brimstone or Technology, The chance to fire extra tears is not affected by luck, This item will fire electricity at nearby enemies, dealing roughly x0.75 of your tear damage rapidly, The electricity can chain up to 4 enemies if they are close enough, On floors with water on the ground (Downpour, Flooded Caves, Dross) this effect chain onto enemies further away than it normally would, Taking damage causes Isaac to fire a circle of 10 tears around him, each dealing 10 damage, After taking damage, you also gain a +1.2 Tears Up for the rest of the current room. Brimstone's item icon originally comes from the alchemical symbol for. with Brimstone it fires 10 lasers), Turns your tears into bones, which shatter into 1-3 smaller bone shards upon hitting any object or enemy, The smaller bone shards deal damage equal to half your normal tear damage, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium in The Void floor with Lazarus, Allows Isaac to carry two cards, runes or pills (or any combination of these) at the same time, Drops a random card, pill or rune on pickup, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Greedier Mode with The Lost, Item Pool: Boss Room, Beggar, Gold/Stone Chest, *, silver, metal, grey, gray, omega, dads lost coin, dad lost coin, dad coin, REPENTANCE - This was renamed from Moldy Bread, *, sandwich, toast, brown, green, bite, bitten, Each time you take damage from any source, Cone Head has a 20% chance to prevent it from reducing your health, Isaac flashes blue very briefly when damage is negated by this item, * northernlion, nl, northern lion, ryan letourneau, egg, egg father, egg daddy, dad, BALD, northernlion's head resembles an egg much like this item, isn't that hilarious?, pink, Isaac's tears have a 20% chance to be a booger instead, which stick on to enemies and deal periodic poison damage until they die, Each tick of poison damage is equal to your normal tear damage, Each booger persists for 10 seconds or until the enemy dies. 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