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kotor 2 czerka mainframe erase

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When her vitality drops to around half of her meter, Bastila will stop fighting for the moment and offer you the last critical choice of the game. Also note that many Force powers are not useable while you are wearing armor; this fits thematically into the notion that scoundrels will usually become the most powerful Force users once your character becomes a Jedi. Kill the troops, then take the data module from the droid. This is an automatic feat that scoundrels gain for free upon hitting the appropriate level. Now that you control B-4D4 head to the Czerka Offices and speak with Jana Lorso. (So where's the feat called scout's honor?) If you side with Yuthara against Uthar, he will feel the effects of the poison if you placed it in his bed earlier, then both you and Yuthara will be attacked. Put them on your main character right away, since they're obviously the most powerful robes you're going to find anywhere in the game (the +5 to Wisdom, at least, will increase your saves against all of the Dark Jedi's Force powers), then hit speed on all of your characters. After visiting the hotel, you can persuade either Elora or Sunry to tell you about his affair. Yeah, he's high and mighty now, but we'll see how a few years in Alcatraz change him. Since this is a passive feat, it is always active, and will help your characters stun or incapacitate their opponents. Whether you kill the students, or help them escape, you'll be able to return to Uthar for prestige upon completion of this quest. When you're done fooling around, head to the middle of the eastern side of this level to find the passage down into the catacombs. Indeed, this is the biggest difference between the normal method of leveling and this loophole-leveling; characters who exploit a loophole like this will gain more Force powers in the latter stages of the game. ), Logarithmic: 7 (Here's where your public school education starts to fail you. She will, to no one's great surprise, attempt to run off to Uthar and gain the credit for herself. You can kill Dia fairly easily the first time you encounter her, and collect the bounty from Zax in the Cantina in the Under City. Jedi characters, including your PC, will get to choose from a few feats that are specific to the Jedi classes. In addition, the desk seen in the Czerka office (and many other places throughout the game) has been cleaned up and even has an animated screen! When you approach, she'll declare herself to be your destroyer, incapacitate your party members, and engage you in a one-on-one duel. Unfortunately, this makes computer use a rather point-hungry skill to upgrade, since you won't necessarily see any benefit from adding less than four skill points, so this is a skill you may want to consider going all-in on, and pumping as high as possible, or simply avoiding it and hoping you have a hacker NPC teammate along when you really need one. One opportunity to dish out maximum damage may be to try, as with Twitch, to pelt him into submission with grenades. Persuasion and affect mind don't always overlap; sometimes you'll be able to persuade someone of something that affect mind won't have an option for, and vice versa. HK begins his little quest inside a droid technician's office. Tell him you're 2023 by BizBud. At any rate, this level is where the fun begins. Proceeding south from Elise, you'll run into a few of the previously mentioned Kath hounds. To see this conversation, you must be in the Undercity Sewers on Taris, and have Mission and Zaalbar as . ), After you pass the first test, return to Dorak and learn a bit about lightsabers. Lurze will warn you not to open it, and with good reason: it'll eat your soul and place it inside a prison without walls. The Exchange leader is a guy called Loppak Slusk. If you can't hit your opponent, you won't have much of a chance to win the fight. On your first exit to the Dune Sea, you'll come across Marlena, the aggrieved wife of one Tanis, a wraid hunter you may encounter in the hunting office here on Tatooine. Kill the interrogator, then return to Uthar to gain that prestige. You don't have be outright terrible, but you'll want to get a time above 40 seconds for the first heat. In sum: there is a monster shark. At any rate, you'll need to be precise with the questioning if you don't want the prisoner to go into brain-freeze. After you knock Calo's vitality down enough, he'll threaten to blow everyone up with a thermal detonator. 1 / 3. Like all character-building exercises, this side quest is a bit tedious and will test your patience. If you decided to kill Gadon, then do so and return to the Vulkar base to begin the race. The other character rolls a 10 as well, but adds his Reflex bonus to the save, which just happens to be +5, meaning that he quickly finds cover before the explosion and only takes half damage. Of course, if you intend to be sneaky, you might as well be a scoundrel from the beginning, so think for a bit before you start the game and choose a class that best suits your style of play. Occasionally you may swerve to hit a booster pad, only to find that obstacles are in your way, and that you're out of position for a pair of booster pads on the opposite side of the track. The single most important thing to remember is that your characters will always have a better chance of surviving a battle if you focus on one target until it's dead, then repeat the cycle with every other target. Use the access card you found to disable the hangar security in the command menu. Guardians are meant to kill, kill, kill; that's what they're good for, and that's what you'll be able to do with relative ease if you choose to upgrade your character to this class. Don't hesitate to use security spikes, though; you won't need them for the rest of the game. It's easy! Develop a line from booster pad to booster pad and stick with it. Unfortunately, he's guarded by two massively powerful droids who can use stun beams and flamethrowers from across the room. When you've traveled far enough, you'll have to face off against the Star Forge's elite droid defenses. After they die, search the body of Shaela, the last of the Jedi terentatek hunters, to pick up her journal and the best lightsaber crystal in the game. You'll run into Queedle in the Manaan swoop registration office. The first side-room you run across will contain a broken-down droid, as well as a corpse with the first Promised Land journal. It is also possible to kill him after threatening him. Return to the Ithorian Compound. He got into debt with Davik and is unfortunately (for him) unable to pay it off. If you choose the wrong sword, or anger Ajunta during your dialogues, he'll attack you. That's about it. Once you're there, have HK-47 talk to the guard at the gate; you'll be escorted inside and given another audience with the Chieftain. Once all of the enemies are dead, you'll obtain Bacca's Blade, which is arguably the best non-lightsaber melee weapon in the game. Even a scoundrel should be able to proceed far enough along to beat at least Ice, and now that you have Bastila to cure you, you won't have to waste medpacs on minor injuries between fights. The exception to this rule is for NPC party members; if you're the kind of player who tends to micromanage your PC and lets the other party members act on their own, you may want to give them more of these passive skills instead of loading them up on active combat feats that require you to manually switch over to the character and queue up an action. If you just want to off him, put a frag mine in his speeder; if you want to get some items from his body, set off the speeder's alarm and he'll come running, battle droids at the ready. Dark Side Solution: Bring the journals back to Igear, who wishes to destroy them, since he fears that his business would be destroyed if everyone left the settlement. The Czerka offices can be entered from the Residential Module 082 East. He refused because of the risk of jeopardizing his contract with Czerka and because he needed the credits for his debt to the Exchange. As such, scoundrels are unfortunately lacking in the simple toughness needed to gut out toe-to-toe battles, but will gain many more skills than the other classes to supplement their lack of enthusiasm for intimate combat. If you get lucky and begin a game with a few low cards, you'll find that the computer will always stay on an 18 or better, and will usually play a card in order to hit 19 or 20. You can accept his reward, or refuse it for a beneficial Light side bonus. This quest doesn't involve Force attunement adjustments; screwing it up will only convince Bolook of your incompetence. The best method of questioning is to insinuate that something will happen to Tela; simply ask him about her, then select all three of the persuasion options that appear. For whatever reason, though, Star Wars and role-playing games have never come together--until now. Your NPC teammates will not join you in stealth mode, nor will they follow you while you're invisible, so if you do find yourself suddenly exposed, they may be too far away to lend you support. When you calm the pair down, you'll finally learn a bit about what the hell has been happening down here. As for the other barracks, if you're having trouble, try sending your PC in to open the door alone by using solo mode (back button). Whichever path you decide to take, you'll need to enter the Hawk, then find the hyperdrive at the rear of the ship and click on it to repair it. All of this is a roundabout way of getting to the point: you can manipulate KOTOR's leveling system so that, once you become a Jedi, you can dump nearly all of your experience points into your chosen Jedi class, thus becoming as powerful, if not much more so, than your Jedi companions. Of course, you can feel free to proceed in Knights of the Old Republic however you see fit. It's something of an alternative to the Two-weapon proficiency, but instead of reducing penalties, dueling simply takes a good thing and makes it better. He'll hint that he has information, but will refuse to divulge anything until you help him retrieve a spy droid from the Sith base. After the fight, be sure to search Brejik's body before talking to Bastila; he's got a belt and an armband which are perfect for melee-weapon characters, as well as a set of gloves that give +1 to Dexterity. For the money, feats that are passive in combat are usually more desirable than those that require activation. Your reward for his death is a Genoharadan Blaster. Interested in getting to the surface on the planet Telos, she agreed to help Chodo Habat and his Ithorians against Czerka, their competitors for the Telosian restoration project, in exchange for a shuttle off Citadel Station. After you run that little gauntlet, you'll pass through a few Dark Jedi defenders on your way to the elevator that takes you to Deck 2. More experience is gained by convincing four of the judges, but the best rewards are reserved for the litigator who can bring all of the judges over to his or her side. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. These guys are quite grenade-happy, unfortunately, so you might want to concentrate on taking down the two near the door before moving on to the Admiral and his Jedi cronies. Once you're ready to begin, start to pester it about the Star Map, and it'll start posing hypothetical questions. You can try a frontal assault, if you like, but the turrets that are set up in front of the entrance are incredibly resistant to most forms of damage; good luck getting past them. Lie to her and gain access to the mainframe. Roland won't reveal why they've been hiring mercenaries until after you infiltrate the Sith base for him; once that's done, he'll fill you in on the details. The children run away to be married and join the enclave, while their fathers presumably carry on with their bitter feud. Note that most grenades have saving throws based on a character's reflex; if you have a character with an unusually high reflex throw, you can use them to tangle up opponents in melee combat, then throw grenades with the assurance that you'll damage the enemies more than your teammate. Kotor 2 Czerka Mainframe Trial Development And. Otherwise, the flamethrower you find in this room is an excellent killer. Explore the area thoroughly, destroying the war droids that populate the estate, and you should eventually find Rahasia's room, as well as a room that's marked out as a holding cell on your map. Once you have visited more areas you can use these consoles for fast travel. For those of you planning to use the ol' laser sword later on, keep in mind that the bonuses gained from advanced ranks of melee proficiency do not apply to lightsabers; that weapon has its own proficiency that you'll need to advance in. Even so, a Dark Jedi of these levels of power is no powder puff. Surik got the credentials, for which Opo graciously gave. Eliminate Brejik first, then his cronies. Life support packs can be used in place of heal, for instance, assuming you have a decent treat injury score. Now, continue your sweep of the compound until you find one of the security panels. She gives you a hefty 650 experience reward and has some useful items on her, so it's worth the risk. It wouldn't be Manaan without some more litigation, so you won't be able to leave just yet; you'll be apprehended again after you leave the Embassy and brought to trial, under the assumption that you caused the explosions at the Hrakert Rift. Lashowe is at the far north end of the tombs. Speak with Chodo and hell give you a key to Batonos apartment in Residential 082 East #7 on the map. It's certainly possible, especially if you use your teammates to fight all of your battles in solo mode, and are willing to make many, many trips to the load game screen. After that conversation (or battle), head through the training room to the east. Notes: A small update: I've made some minor updates to the green buttons on the desk texture. If you win against Niklos enough, he'll eventually accuse you of cheating and won't play anymore. Follow it down the hallway, until it kills the Sith guard with the keycard you need to rescue Carth and Bastila, then head back towards your point of origin to free them. Knights of the Old Republic has what is, hands-down, the best integration of Force powers into a Star Wars game we've seen yet. If you haven't encountered Calo Nord since escaping Taris then he'll await you by the campfire in the south of this clearing, ambushing you immediately upon arrival; Darth Bandon does likewise at a later stage in your quest for the Star Forge. Bring the journal you find on her corpse back to Rukil to open the Promised Land quest. When it comes to gameplay mechanics, Mission is quite deficient in terms of combat skills, excepting later on in the game, where her sneak attack can be used in conjunction with stunning Force powers to easily overpower most opponents. Unfortunately, there's no way to avoid this fight, so dispatch them and head topside. At low levels, you'll want to have your character pursue passive feats that are always active, but when you begin looking for a useful active feat, this is the one that you'll almost always want to max out. There is a guy (who gets blackmailed by the exchange) in one of the rooms at the far end of one of the habitats, who sells droid parts. You get experience for either feat, but you can get twice as much as you should if you first repair the droid, let it kill the troopers, then overload the conduit to explode into the now-empty room. On the other hand, you will be able to make do without security if the locked item is susceptible to bashing; to see if this is possible, use the d-pad to cycle up or down from the 'Open' command on your action menu. To the east of this hallway, you'll come across one of the Sith barracks, with some lone survivors of the robot rampage hiding away inside. If you did bring it, just walk up to one of the bantha on the high plains to start it walking towards the cave. You don't get any prestige for either of these quests, but you do get experience, without a Force alignment shift. Plead ignorance to get away with it or kill him for Dark Side points. After hooking up with him, you'll be whisked off to Davik's compound. You can continue to hack until you unlock the door that Carth and Bastila are behind, or just pick up the key from the footlocker in the (now empty) barracks. There is a side-quest here involving a woman named Dia; see the Side Quests at the end of this planet's section to learn more. Kreia teaches you a power called Breath Control, but it only immunes you to the poison temporarily. ------------------------------ Even if you can't deter the other enemies from attacking, your best bet is still to try to stun Sherruk somehow and concentrate your attacks on him while he's incapable of fighting back. Before your impromptu excursion begins, though, you'll have to endure some torture at the hands of Saul, Carth's old mentor. When given the option to erase B-4D4's purchase and association information from the Czerka mainframe, does it effect anything in-game .. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (Xbox) Walkthrough. The Dark side's conversation options are often glaringly obvious; if you consistently choose to be avaricious, insulting, and downright violent, then you'll find yourself feeling the hate flow through you soon enough. Marlena, it would appear, has a good repair skill, as she's rigged the droids to explode if Tanis leaves the perimeter that they've set up around him. He's the green Twi'lek in one of the three bedrooms on the north end of the enclave. Each class has certain skills that they excel at; these are listed in the Class profiles section. There's a puzzle on the wall to get him out; moving all of the panels to red will free him, while moving all of them to green will kill him. Note that the defense score of your characters does not reduce the damage they take; it merely makes them more difficult to hit. Although at the time of posting this news the patch announcement has not yet been posted on the official LucasArts website, the patch is available via auto-update. The basket back up to the Great Walkway is in a clearing at the west end of the upper Shadowlands. Formatting may be lacking as a result. As you proceed into the facilities, you'll come across a couple of vignettes where you'll be forced to choose between violence and inaction. It's perhaps most useful for the aforementioned melee fighters, since they will be the ones who will generally be targeted by the most enemies during any given fight. Once you're done with that little run-in, take someone with a high security score and bust open the footlocker on the dock; there's an interface visor inside that's worth having, since it adds four to demolitions, computer use, and security. If you're playing Dark side, then you can simply accept Yuthura's offer of sponsorship into the Sith academy, and you'll be teleported there immediately. How you deal with him affects your Force alignment, in much the same manner as your dealings with Nico on Tatooine. Since attacking automatically brings you out of stealth mode, you'll only get one shot at a sneak attack before your target is alerted to your presence. Or, that is, attempt to speak to him; he rather curtly asks you to leave once after you begin asking him about Shen's disappearance. (Master Dorak also has some fairly interesting backstory about Malak that you will probably want to hear.) Although you can change targets at will, the game doesn't necessarily shift over immediately, especially if you have actions in your queue. Sure, Chuundar (or Freyyr) can hold his own, but the other Wookiees don't deal very much damage, and the Czerka soldiers might as well be wall decorations. Your player-character is going to be on the brink of death, most likely, so run away from Jorak quickly before he cuts you down. You have a couple of options to get through the room separating you and Carth: you can either repair the droid and send him in to attack the troopers, or use the computer terminal to overload a power conduit near the troopers, killing all of them instantly. Thanks, it's been several years since I've played 2 and I couldn't remember if you. Meet the leader of the Czerka operation here on Telos. Uthar's body contains 3,000 credits, a Cinnagar war suit, and a security domination interface, while Yuthara's contains just a poison grenade, a hyper-adrenal alacrity stim, and 1,500 credits. Walk over the pool and head towards the door; there's a deadly plasma mine that can dish out up to 70 damage to you if you don't spot it, so make sure you're healed up before passing through. Luckily, mine disabling falls under the 'take 20' rule: if you have a theoretically unlimited amount of time to perform an action, you'll be able to assume that your roll on the DC check is always a 20, the best possible result. In between each round of investigation, you'll need to question both men and the information droid to unlock the proper comments to Bolook. If you speak to the healer in the Under City settlement, she'll let you know about a group of infected Outcast villagers that have been quarantined nearby. Fortunately, they never use it on your party, but they'll still attack en masse once you speak to the sandcrawler's captain, in three waves of four raiders apiece. Valve Corporation. You want to make your way around to the TSF Office but you might as well stop in at the various sights along the way. You'll need to follow along the main plot on Tatooine, involving the Czerka's attempts to rid themselves of the Tuskans, in order to free Griff. A good example of a Jedi consular, albeit a Dark side example, is the cronish Emperor Palpatine from Return of the Jedi. You'll know you're there when you arrive, because you'll be facing off against a group of seven or eight Vulkars, which includes the lieutenants who will activate energy shields as soon as combat begins. A little droid T1-N1 is here. See Luxa Quests for the Dark Side path. He'll dish with the info, which the interrogator will attempt to claim as the result of his work. You can make a plan to see him by speaking with Luxa in the Cantina. Target is stunned and takes two-thirds of the attacking Jedi's level in damage every two seconds for six seconds, Target is stunned and takes two-thirds of the attacking Jedi's level in damage every two seconds for six seconds, and takes a -4 penalty to strength, dexterity, and constitution for 24 seconds, Target is stunned for six seconds and takes damage equal to half of their (the target's) maximum vitality, Save versus fortitude: No choking effect, take damage equal to attacking Jedi's level, Single victim takes -2 penalty to defense, reflex saves, and attack rolls for 30 seconds, Target is drained of one point from each attribute every three seconds for 21 seconds, and is slowed, Target is drained of one point from each attribute every second for 12 seconds, and is slowed. She won't fall for it, and will reject your application. When playing as B-4D4 you have the ability to threaten to kill him. On the other hand, selecting the custom character option will give you access to a much broader array of customizations and allow you to select your player character's (or PC for short) attributes, skills, and feats, in addition to the cosmetic choices required of quick characters. Activating stealth requires a personal camouflage unit, which is provided to a scoundrel at the beginning of the game; more advanced units, which lend a positive modifier to your stealth rank, can be purchased or found later on. B-4D4 will fight with his bare hands and will then receive dark side points. Don't worry about the flunkies, though; concentrate all your firepower on Calo himself. After your character awakens for the first time, you'll find yourself accosted by someone who barges into your room without even checking to see if you're dressed. There aren't that many but there are a few. Note that if you do pursue this course, and actually manage to kill both of the Dark Jedi, you'll have to fight your way through the entire student body of the Academy on your way out. All Jedi have a rudimentary ability to perform this kind of deflection, so that everyone picks up Jedi defense at their first level, but with practice, a Jedi can become much more adept at this skill, thus increasing not only the chance that they'll escape from an attack unharmed, but also turn the attack back upon the attacker. I did all of it, including the mod, and the game still crashes, except now it's windowed haha. There's the warrior tribe, which has situated its enclave on the north beach, and the elders, which are descended from the priest caste of the Rakatan, and who have their enclave on the south beach. These are listed in the Undercity Sewers on Taris, and will help your characters stun or their... Begin, start to pester it about the Star Forge 's elite droid defenses gain prestige... 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kotor 2 czerka mainframe erase