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rms queen elizabeth crew lists

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A parakeet flew in through an open porthole at New York and quickly became the mascot of the ship's officers who bought him a fancy cage and named him Joey. Sir Basil Smallpiece (Cunard's chairman since November 1965 when he succeeded Sir John Brocklebank) decided that the time had finally come for drastic, long-delayed surgery on the Cunard passenger fleet. [21], The ship ran aground on a sandbank off Southampton on 14 April 1947, and was re-floated the following day. The QUEEN ELIZABETH approaching her berth at Pier 90 in the North River, at New York in the late 1940s. Across the Channel at Cherbourg the French authorities had proved much more amenable. The keel of Yard No. There were only five dry docks in the world which could accommodate the, The QUEEN ELIZABETH arrived at Singapore three weeks after leaving New York for a seven-week conversion into a troopship with accommodation for 5,000 troops. For the purpose of this list, they have been included as Cunard ships. The records held are for years ending with five (1955, 1965, and so on). This will findBT 98/6795which covers ships numbers 25801-25834 for the year 1860. The new QUEEN ELIZABETH passes Mariners' Park, Wallasey. being transported (not for $100) in the QUEEN ELIZABETH who, in a burst of enthusiasm, said to one of the officers: A fortnight later, on Monday 20th August 1945, the QUEEN ELIZABETH arrived in Southampton for the first time - four and a half years late. The dock would have to be 124 feet wide at its entrance and have a minimum depth of 40 feet. This was not a record breaking passage, and not surpassing the time of her running mate, the Queen Mary, but on this occasion no special effort was made to accomplish that feat. Only the berth at John Brown could accommodate the King George V-class battleships. The popularity of the two, The first hint of competition from the airlines came in October 1951 and this resulted in speeding up the turn-round of the ', From the mid 1940s until the mid 1950s both the, The unreliability of statistics - or should it be said the ability to interpret them in several ways - is illustrated in the case of the UNITED STATES and the QUEEN ELIZABETH. She would then have been remembered as the fine working ship that she undoubtedly was. The value of '534' for insurance purposes during building was fixed at the full price payable by Cunard, namely 4 million. Despite the effectiveness of the new stabilisers to minimise rolling, nothing could be done to reduce the pitching. Cunard had insisted that he sail with the ship on her supposed coastal voyage as part of a ruse to throw enemy agents off the scent as to her actual destination. The Mercantile Marine Act of 1850 required ships masters to also keep a log book to record events on board a ship, which included seamens conduct. By coincidence she had grounded in almost the same geographical spot as the AQUITANIA, ten years previously almost to the day. The ship's company was brought up to 465 and at 3.30pm on 13th November 1940 the, The QUEEN ELIZABETH had now been in the water for over two years since her launch on 27th September 1938. At the start of the Second World War, it was decided that Queen Elizabeth was so vital to the war effort that she must not have her movements tracked by German spies operating in the Clydebank area. AB. There was no call at Cherbourg; the ship was fully booked from Southampton and much work still needed to be done to make the harbour at the French port safe again. Just two funnels were needed on the new ship instead of the three on the Mary and these were self-supporting, having their stays on the inside of the stack. I have agreed in principle." How much more dignified it would have been to have broken the ship up in 1968. The Americans wanted the work to be completed and then for the, The QUEEN MARY and the QUEEN ELIZABETH met for the last time when they were both at sea. Photographed on the QUEEN ELIZABETH, sometime. Breakfast was from 6.30am until; and dinner from to 7.30pm. Later that day, at the time when she was due to arrive at Southampton, the city was bombed by the Luftwaffe. Over the next three days the ship took on eighteen of her twenty-six lifeboats. The QUEEN ELIZABETH berthed alongside the Ocean Terminal, at Southampton, taking on bunkers for her next voyage. Image of a ships muster roll 1770-1775 (catalogue reference: BT 98/3). They became an establishment, a familiar sight to those who saw them arriving and departing, and a way of life to the crew who sailed them. The QUEEN ELIZABETH sailing from Southampton. At first it was proposed that work on the Elizabeth would gradually be brought to a standstill as men transferred to warship work. This was the catalyst, but not the only cause, of the withdrawal of the two 'Queens'. WebThe Cunard - White Star Liner QUEEN ELIZABETH 1938 - 1972 LIVERPOOL SHIPS ACCRA OF 1947 ELDER DEMPSTER LINES AUREOL ELDER DEMPSTER LINES BRITANNIC and GEORGIC CUNARD WHITE STAR CARINTHIA CUNARD LINE EMPRESS OF BRITAIN CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESS OF CANADA LOSS BY FIRE [15], Queen Elizabeth left the port of New York on 13 November 1940 for Singapore to receive her troopship conversion. They would follow the natural progression of developments then taking place in marine engineering and in naval architecture. The QUEEN MARY's post-war refit was completed in the summer of 1947 and on 1st August she joined her larger sister in the long-delayed two-ship Atlantic express ferry service for which they had both been built. Reliable boilers would have to be chosen as there would be no opportunity for boiler cleaning in port. Scrapping seemed to provide the obvious, almost humane, answer to dealing with the problem of the QUEEN ELIZABETH. Just over 400 crew (mostly from the AQUITANIA) had joined the QUEEN ELIZABETH at Clydebank, under the command of Captain Jack Townley, signing Articles for a short coastwise voyage which would ostensibly terminate at Southampton where a hurriedly prepared dry-docking plan had been received by the port authority. But the prime reason for the day's visit was for the Queen to unveil a portrait of herself. Kessler always maintained that the ship was the QUEEN ELIZABETH. The year 1960 proved to be another good one for Cunard. On 11th July Bates replied asking Piggot to, Cunard was determined that the new ship would be based on the latest revolutionary developments that had taken place in naval architecture and marine engineering. When the above lines were written in the mid 1920s, the Cunard Line was operating its Southampton - New York express service with the MAURETANIA (1907), the AQUITANIA (1914) and the BERENGARIA (1913). The QUEEN MARY photographed in mid-Atlantic. Sir Percy Bates, dismayed at this prospect, wrote to the Chief of Naval Staff, Rear Admiral Burrough, for a decision on the ship's future. Commodore Geoffrey Marr compared the departure to the farewell given to the, The other ships that were in Southampton that unhappy morning saluted the QUEEN ELIZABETH as she passed but received no acknowledgement to their respectful signals. Captain Marr decided to signal for tugs. At the end of her time at Gourock one thousand Clydebankers ('Bankies') sailed south with the ship to alleviate the acute shortage of local skilled labour at Southampton. REINA DEL PACIFICO PACIFIC STEAM NAVIGATION. The two ships' real potential had yet to be appreciated. With the decline in popularity of the transatlantic route, both ships were replaced by the smaller, more economical Queen Elizabeth 2, which made her maiden voyage in 1969. In addition, the following types of lists were introduced used between 1835 until 1856: Agreements for Foreign Going or Foreign Trade ships (Schedule A) With Japan and the United States entering the war after the debacle of Pearl Harbor on 7th December 1941, the QUEEN ELIZABETH was laid up at Sydney for seven weeks. Her carrying capacity was over 15,000 troops and over 900 crew. The NORMANDIE - the QUEEN MARY's arch rival on the North Atlantic. In addition to the normal painting, scaling, underwater inspection, removal of propellers, drawing of tailshafts and so forth; 157 tourist-class cabins were given air-conditioning and provision was also made to carry more fuel. The C.G.T. [citation needed]. This enabled a third anchor, the bower, to be carried allowing the anchr to fall well clear of the stem. From the passengers' point of view it had the disadvantage of being 100 miles further away from Paris than Le Havre. A barrier was then constructed around the hull to shut her off from the river and to prevent the Clyde-borne silt building up around and under the hull. Years indicate year of entry into Cunard service. The Elizabeth sailed at After a call at Rio de Janeiro, the Elizabeth finally arrived inNew York to begin what became known as the 'G.I. The work would include the installation of full air conditioning, the fitting of private showers and toilets in much of the cabin class and tourist class accommodation, and the creation of a lido at the after end of the promenade deck, incorporating an outdoor heated swimming pool. She then stopped for a few minutes before proceeding on her way. A skilled craftsman working on the QUEEN ELIZABETH earned just 3.2s.0d for a 47-hour work. Four torpedoes were fired and the U-Boat followed their course. To many, her appearance must have come as a bit of a surprise for no longer was she in pristine Cunard paintwork of black hull and white superstructure, but she had been completely repainted in dull uniform Admiralty grey. This should be seen in the context of the QUEEN MARY's record of 31.69 knots when she took the Blue Riband of the Atlantic in September 1938. Post War Service: Reconditioned for passenger service. end of her 'Farewell Cruise' on 15th November 1968. The QUEEN ELIZABETH docked at Southampton at on 10th October. A thirty-seven day cruise from New York to the Mediterranean sailed on 21st February 1967 and was plagued by bad weather and many ports had to be omitted from the itinerary. Her propellers were removed and cleaned and the underwater hull cleaned and painted. (The QUEEN MARY had been ship number 534). WebFirst time the Queen Mary carried American troops (8,398 troops, 905 crew). Her brother, the Hon. Our collection contains a sampling of what was originally produced and printed by the steamship lines. Shuttle work in earnest. Early in July 1936 Stephen Piggot (the managing director of John Brown) wrote to Sir Percy Bates saying that Yard No.535 had been reserved for the new ship. That evening the crew was paid off and just 193 were retained to take the Elizabeth on her delivery voyage to Fort Lauderdale. Sanders Samuel Donald . Mildenhall Wilfred Charles. WebAll surviving agreements and crew lists with their logbooks are held by The National Archives, Ruskin Avenue, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU. They were logged at ports such as Madras and Bombay under the direction of the Serang or Headman of the port. The business was unsuccessful, and closed in August 1970. Alternatively, browseBT 98/1-139(1747 to 1853) to view all the ports and years for which there are records in this period. They were huge sitting targets in a hostile ocean. By the beginning of March 1940, Queen Elizabeth was ready for her secret voyage. The fins were retractable into the hull to save fuel in smooth seas and for docking. The cruiser HMAS CANBERRA had lowered a pinnace which was cruising calmly around collecting bags of mail from each. This would have been the OCEANIC, whose keel was laid at Harland & Wolff's yard in 1928. Eventually both the House of Commons and the House of Lords voted and the Bill was passed on 27th March 1934. For the purpose of this list, they have been included as Cunard ships. [6] The two liners were replaced with the new, more economical Queen Elizabeth 2. On 27th May the Clydebank men were told they had the order. The forward Observation Bar on the QUEEN ELIZABETH. Ships did not have an official number before 1855. August 2 - 7 First time a complete division was carried on any ship. GGA Image ID # 1d36e82385 Queen Elizabeth (1940) Cunard Line Built by John Brown & Co., Clydebank, Glasgow, Scotland. On 26th July 1933, King George V and Queen Mary sailed into the new dock in the royal yacht VICTORIA AND ALBERT to perform the opening ceremony. To administer this fund, masters or owners of merchant ships had to keep a muster book, also known as a muster roll, which was filed at the port of arrival with the Seamens Fund Receivers. brides to the United States while Queen Elizabeth was overhauled at the Firth of Clyde Drydock, in Greenock, by the John Brown Shipyard. In November 1942, the QUEEN ELIZABETH was involved in an incident that still remains the subject of much speculation. When he asked for questions, one boy shot up his arm and asked: "How big were the frying pans?" At first it was proposed that work on the, Questions were soon asked in Parliament as to what possible use the two Cunard leviathans could be in wartime. The QUEEN ELIZABETH's final season on the Atlantic was uneventful other than for the enthusiasm expressed by her regular passengers who wanted to sail in her just one last time. The small vessel's skipper hoisted a flag signal: "What ship is that?" Three five-day cruises between New York and Nassau, Bahamas were planned for February and early March 1963, after which the liner would return to Atlantic service. These are not two separate documents but one and the same thing; you may see them referred to simply as crew lists, or sometimes simply as agreements. Dimensions, 987' x 118' WebAll surviving agreements and crew lists with their logbooks are held by The National Archives, Ruskin Avenue, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU. WebThe eight ships which were passed into the ownership of the new concern were - ALPS, ANDES, BRITISH QUEEN, DAMASCUS, LEBANON, KARNAK, TENERIFFE and TAURUS. After her launch the QUEEN ELIZABETH was towed round to the fitting-out berth where she would remain for the next sixteen months. Seesection 7.2. The following morning, 18th April 1947, she steamed into Southampton - fifty hours late ! All twelve boilers had been reconditioned and her four engines thoroughly overhauled. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ____________________________________________________, "The great solid block that is the headquarters of the Cunard Steamship Company stands on the Liverpool waterfront, beaten by the wind and the rain, bleached by the sun, facing the grey-brown waters of the River Mersey. With White Star now under Cunard's wing, Harland & Wolff at Belfast were also invited to tender, a position not previously open to them. Contact them directly to find out more. We can either copy our records onto paper or deliver them to you digitally, Visit us in Kew to see original documents or view online records for free, Consider paying for From the outset the intention had been to operate a two-ship service on the North Atlantic. The liner did not now have enough power to manoeuvre, should the need arise, but she did have enough momentum - plus the aid of tugs - to carry her through the harbour entrance. Marr recommended that Seawise University be towed to the New Territories, but Tung and his crew were convinced that they could sail the ship there using just the aft engines and boilers. Chesney Henry. The Americans demanded that the QUEEN ELIZABETH be brought up to the new standards of fire protection which would have to include the fitting of additional fire sprinklers and the boxing-in of stairways that could otherwise act as deadly draught tunnels in the event of fire. Following the end of the Second World War, Queen Elizabeth was refitted and furnished as an ocean liner,[9] while her running mate Queen Mary remained in her wartime role and grey appearance except for her funnels, which were repainted in the company's colours. v3.0, date and place of joining and leaving the ship, reason for leaving the ship, whether discharged, drowned, or otherwise, the amount of money invested in the fund by each crew member (this was calculated on a pro rata basis at 6d per month), how disposed of (the nature of the seamans departure from the ship, whether discharged, drowned or otherwise). WebRMS Queen Elizabeth Passenger Lists 1947-1954 RMS Queen Elizabeth, World's Largest Liner. To find the right range for your ship you will need to search using the first two or three digits of the number. A Schedule D form was headed Accounts Of Voyages And Crew For Home Trade Ship. The document was signed by the master of the ship and the shipping master of the port, and the seaman would sign their name on the back. The Official Number was allocated on registration, retained for the life of the ship, and was not reused. The QUEEN ELIZABETH of 1938 never visited the port of Liverpool, but on her stern were the words QUEEN ELIZABETH LIVERPOOL. On 8th May 1967, the axe finally fell and it was announced that the QUEEN ELIZABETH would be withdrawn a year earlier than originally planned - in the Autumn of 1968 after a final summer on the Western Ocean. Shuttle', her first such voyage leaving New York for the Clyde on 5th June 1942. They demanded 50 per man danger money-cum-bonus, but were given 30 plus 5 per month extra pay. Often the description of a mans conduct, listed under the two headings General Conduct and Ability in Seamanship, consisted of nothing more than the letters VG (Very Good). WebQueen Elizabeth docked at Southampton in 1967. Information on the holdings of The National Archives are decribed in The National Archives' Merchant Seamen: Agreements and Crew Lists after 1861. Tung and contained much well looked after second hand tonnage within its fleet. Note: Largest ship built to date. She underwent refit work in drydock adding accommodation and armaments, and three hundred naval ratings quickly painted the hull. A week after her arrival at Gourock, the QUEEN ELIZABETH sailed for Suez on 17th June (via Freetown and Simonstown) with reinforcements for the British Eighth Army to help stem Rommel's advance towards the Canal. WebRMS Queen Elizabeth Passenger Lists 1947-1954 RMS Queen Elizabeth, World's Largest Liner. This is, indeed, the very heart of a shipping city, where, standing in the windows of that building, one can see the ships of all nations passing by in procession at tide-time, almost as mundanely as the trams whose terminus is at the water's edge. THE CUNARD WHITE STAR LINER QUEEN ELIZABETH. You may find a ships Official Number from the following published sources available at The National Archives: See section 3 for more information on how to find a ships number. This awe-inspiring warship is capable of carrying up to 40 aircraft. Of all the arguments used in the United States to support the demand for subsidies for American merchant shipping, none has been advanced with greater potency than that America had to rely on foreign ships in the Second World War, and could not afford to do so again. Over a two-hour period engine revolutions were increased from 100 (17 knots) to 154 (26 knots). The left hand side of the E-1 certificate was a certificate of character on which the master rated the seamans ability and character of conduct (VG, G Fair, Poor). To a post-war Britain she was to become what the, The QUEEN ELIZABETH left Southampton on 30th March 1946 and arrived and anchored off Greenock the following day. WebAll surviving agreements and crew lists with their logbooks are held by The National Archives, Ruskin Avenue, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU. CPO. Tonnage: 83,673. With potentially upward of 500 crew requiring to scramble up from their quarters below, the sheer climb would have presented quite a hazard, particularly in bad weather and at a time of emergency. Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary were used as troop transports during the Second World War. [25] However, the strategy did not prove successful, owing to the ship's deep draught, which prevented her from entering various island ports, her width, which prevented her from using the Panama Canal, and also her high fuel costs. The whole affair turned into a spectacular fiasco as the ', The QUEEN ELIZABETH's final season on the Atlantic was uneventful other than for the enthusiasm expressed by her regular passengers who wanted to sail in her just one last time. INS forms used to record information about passengers, crew members, and aliens: Form 680 or I-480, List or Manifest of Aliens Employed on the Vessel as Members of the Crew (used in 1945) Form I-481, List or Manifest of all Persons Employed on a Great Lakes Vessel (used in 1945) In January 1931 agreement was reached with the New York Port Authority for a thousand-foot long pier at a rent of 48,000 a year. [38][39], The wreck also featured in a flashback sequence in an episode of American Dragon: Jake Long. It is comparatively short - a long weekend by the express steamers or six and a half hours by air. Shuttle'. The QUEEN ELIZABETH was the culmination of Sir Percy Bates' own initiative; the fulfilment of a long-cherished dream held by many shipowners; that a weekly trans-Atlantic ferry service should be maintained by two ships rather than by three, or even four (sometimes mismatched) vessels that had previously - and expensively - been required. These are undeniable facts. 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rms queen elizabeth crew lists