Days later I was told to try it again that perhaps the symptoms increased due to water in the ear. As for insomnia, it was hell for 4 months. This drug should be taken off of the market. I took Ciprodex for an ear infection. On another note, I took levequin in 2008 for a sinus infection, three rounds of it, that threw me into adreanal fatigue and taxed my thyroid (I am now hypo thyroid), I learned that it is in the same family of drugs. Vitamin D3 and 50 mg of zinc are the only supplements I am taking right now. Official answer by Ciprofloxacin should be out of your system around 22 hours after your last dose. A few examples of the most common psychological changes include: Cipro also causes disabling and potentially irreversible side effects involving tendons, muscles, joints, and nerves. In2007, I tookCipro and I was floxed or thats what we called it back then. There is no miracle cure, youre right. In addition, its imperative to replenish your collagen as Cipro inhibits the enzyme proline hydroxylase, thus diminishing levels of type 1 and type 3 collagen. One pill a day as you did. I do protein shakes with blueberries, I do a green shake of dandelion green, cucumber, celery, avocado, coconut water, cilantro. Wish you well in all things! This is me recently Im not moving as slow as a 90-year old: Victimized by Cipro a week ago at 58. Its also caused really bad anxiety and manic feelings and some pretty worrisome depression. Had a lot of pain and couldnt stand or walk. CoQ10 200mg. I think my own case was probably made worse by being low in magnesium (maybe) since I had issues with it before. If the cell is damaged, it will try to repair it, but if it cant do that, it will eventually die. 99.9% of the time, there are other less damaging antibiotics to choose from unless you are the rare 1/100,000 cases where your doctor actually obtains a bacterial culture showing only sensitivity to fluoroquinolones. This went on for 4 months straight with intense nightmares almost every night. She was diagnosed with a UTI at the hospital but she went in for something completely different. I felt him sincere and he told me that he will do his best to help me. Take a mix of tocopherols and tocotrienols, as these act as powerful antioxidants and aid in recovery. As I mentioned above, I can walk normal now without any pain or discomfort. Change or add in new supplements to boost mybodys repair mechanisms, increase stress resistance, and protect cells. Your blog post and information about supplements are fantastic. I hope you can start feeling better soon. If youre like me and my experience, youve either see information on the internet or met with Drs who totally dismiss these issues as outliers for elderly people, or youve convinced yourself that your life is finished and death is the only thing left to look forward to. The whole process of recovery took about two years, but I was mostly better after around 14 months. I also empathize and understand your suffering you had at a such an early age. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. You cannot simply rely on supplements to heal. Those patients have an exponentially higher risk of being Floxed. The recovery was up and down but I had zero doubt that I would fully recover. I was in agony!!! Ive always had issues with being more susceptible to magnesium deficiency and thats why I have to always supplement it despite getting over the recommended daily allowance from my diet. Im taking magnesium and I think Im gonna start drinking tamarind paste today. In animal studies, it does make then more susceptible to side effects. The majority of fluoroquinolone victims are told they have chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia, which in my expert medical opinion is actually caused by mitochondrial toxicity secondary to cipro antibiotic exposure. Reports put the number of suspected US cipro-related adverse reactions at 79,000, including 1,700 deaths, between 2005 and 2015. Today, I have good days and bad days. I was (over) dosed Monday (10/04/2020) by IV in hospital for gall bladder & my immediate drug reactions & continually progessing issues were/are blown off by doctor. Ill continue the supplementation to enhance my own bodys ability to heal itself. Now, my life has turned. Slight numbness on the left nostril, headache above the left brow. 80 Grams per day is keeping most of the symptoms away and the miracle happening. Use supplements to bind to the antibiotic that was still in my body to reduce further damage. So blogs like this are a lifesaver! Sleeping and keeping the anxiety under control is very important in this first stage to allow the body to recover in my opinion. By that time I had neuropathy in both arms and legs, extreme muscle weakness everywhere, crazy exhaustion, fatigue, I can barely swallow or breath, Im dizzy and faint feeling all the time, still confused and having memory issues, super bad case of thrush, and of course a rash all over my back and stomach! 3. He immediately answered and ask me to talk. Just started back on my supplements. Interesting read. There is a sauna and a pool in the condo where I am staying now so that has helped me a lot too. Who knows what component of the dark chocolate is helping me so much. Green tea has also been shown in several studies to protect against different antibiotic-induced ototoxicity (hearing damage). I tried other brands of chocolate (Pascha 100% cocoa without alkaline cocoa for example) and grounded cacao nibs and the healing effects are not even close to the Lindt. In the first few months, I took a full serving and then lowered it to 50% because my diet was already a very healthy plant-based, vegetarian diet. L-Lysine. Then about a year and a half later I again took cipro for UTI and after one pill by very bad timing I went into Pilates and did strenuous exercise including a stretch of the Achilles tendon which felt like it tore. I experienced the most anxiety Ive ever had in my life when I laid in bed reading about the potential for irreversible effects as I experienced nerve twitching, never pain, muscle pain, etc. Try not to worry Youre young and you can recover from it despite the horror stories you might hear. Very annoying. Moringa for inflammation. It helps a lot with the tendons and feet pain. To improve recovery, you also have to stress the tendon to help remodel and strengthen it. My story is similar to most of you. Happiness, sadness, fear, joy, excitement, hate, love, I mean even my feelings towards my children as fucked up as that is to even say! I have dizziness neck weakness head cant hold up , terrrible knee, eye issues, neevousness etc. After taking Cipro and having a moderate to a severe reaction, I think its hard to imagine that things will get better in just a few days. I am extremely weak and lightheaded. But these cells are replaced by stem cells in the body (younger people can recover better). However, if you have any doubt, then perhaps you should see one? Studies indicate that quinolone-induced toxic effects could be prevented by magnesium supplementation. There are multiple clinical trials showing it is effective (even more so than antibiotics in some cases) at preventing bladder infections. I am deeply connected with my inner intuition about what nutrients may help in my recovery so I am trying ingredients and learning on the way. We are definitely like minded regarding health challenges. Thanks so much for your article. Keep in mind 4 months ago, I had a concussion, I was unconscious for 6 weeks and had neuropathy so bad for 4 more weeks I couldnt walk. Worth reading if you havent already. A bit more information that might be useful. I took epsom bath & have started Magnesium 250s will take 2 pills a day starting today. This Ciprofloxacin poison must be banned world wide! Its all just really bad timing. I am where you (Julie) were (joints -tendons (knee very bad afraid of blow out), achillies & calfs, elbow, thumb, TMJ, neck & head swelling, popping, tightness, brief sharp pain, spasms & other weird stuff). Achieving Optimal Health and Longevity on a Low Calorie, Vegan Diet. Today Im walking like a 97-year old man to give my tendons a rest after a twenty-minute walk yesterday that may have put more strain on my tendons than they were ready for. Alpha lipoic acid with L-Carnitine together in one capsule is a must for neuropathy among many other reasons. These antibiotics used to be routinely prescribed for bacterial infections such as: In 2016, the US Food and Drug Administration recommended that fluoroquinolones should only be used in patients whose infections have no alternative treatment options or for serious infections. My ability to swallow is a little better, I contribute that to the thrush getting better I stopped using nystatin and started alternating between baking soda and apple cidar vinegar. Without the information shared online by people like you Id probably still be on a wheelchair and thinking that my life was over.,, Regenerative Medicine LA, Los Angeles, CA Dr advised me to go to ER. The Saturday morning she collapsed on her bed. About 3 weeks ago my dentist prescribed me Cipro. Check your medical records. It contained all the essential vitamins and minerals as well as a few extras. I am just wondering if u ever encountered eye issues or see any neurologist? Following a complex series of chemical reactions, these antibiotics result in an accumulation of free radicals that destroy mitochondrial DNA. Emily Kane. I eat as clean as possible and organic as much as possible. Dr. Ghalili has created numerous customized protocols for those suffering from Ciprofloxacin toxicity, Avelox toxicity, Moxifloxacin toxicity, Levofloxacin toxicity & Levaquin toxicity. And in your case, other connective tissue. We really dont know what to do. amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; Starting researching the drug and discovered all of my symptoms matched much of what is known about this drug. These fluoroquinolone antibiotics are well know for causing bad neuropathies, tendon damage and psychiatric issues. So toxic. Have ever tried D mannose before? Dr. Ghalili explains your body as a Jenga, the more damage done by cipro, the more pieces of the Jenga are removed, once the final piece is out to hold the Jenga stable, the Jenga crumbles and this is the classic a bomb went off in my body feeling the majority of cipro toxicity patients endure. One month ago I was prescribed Levaquin due a UTI. Best Vegan Digestive Enzymes (Supplements and Foods), Vegan Protein Powders With All Essential Amino Acids, What Is The Best DIM Supplement Without Soy,,, I like to learn more about detoxing it out if my body ASAP because its unbearable. If youre taking a multivitamin, you could skip this supplement. I had to press him to do something for the pain and inflammation so he prescribed a steroid. Cipro toxicity and how to recover Cipro toxicity refers to the damage that Cipro may cause to the body. Usually first thing in the morning! To maintain strength and heal wounds, soft tissues produce collagen, a rope-like protein that provides strength and flexibility in tissues like ligaments and tendons and muscles. Cipro was designed as a powerful, last drug of choice, antibiotic to be used in extreme bacterial infections that did not respond to prior treatment; it has become a first choice antibiotic for many, many physicians and dentists, despite its' Black Box Warning status. The other 10% of cases fall under Lyme disease, mold exposure, heavy metal toxicity, or breast implant illness. Anyway, its really useful and refreshing to see someone who has struggled with this only to gradually get better. A few new things that I have discovered. No treatment was given for BD aNd heart rate that alone were a medical emergency. Altogether, I was taking over 100 different nutrients (including all those in the multivitamin) and I believe this helped me recover quite fast relative to many other people. And while you wait for your body to heal itself, treatment is fairly intuitive: stop use of the fluoroquinolone and have your doctor switch you to another antibiotic; rest your tendons; use anti-inflammatory drugs for pain (being careful not to exceed daily limits); elevate your leg (if the pain is in your Achilles' tendon); and ice the affected Each day I had between 2 3 whey protein shakes. Also, many people who have a reaction from Cipro report sensitivities from foods and have a more limited diet. But I suppose I should look into sooner than later. . Yesterday I exercised about two hours and ended with my tendons and legs muscles a bit sored. *The following is an individual's story of surviving fluoroquinolone toxicity. No Comments There is no data till date that anything can reverse the toxicity of the drug. It has been very relieving to cry. SCHEDULE A CONSULTATION Anthocyanins have many health-promoting effects which can aid in recovery. Im 3 months into side effects from Ciprofloxacin and am eager to heal . I need to believe in the middle ground, am optimistic that is will exist for me, and your story really reinforces that optimism. 1 dose of 4 drops and felt pain increase, stabbing and throbbing pain in my ear, burning inflammation in my jaw, weird taste in my mouth, weird numbness in tongue, some loss of taste. The neuropathy can and often does get better time as the nerves regenerate. My level of energy is getting higher evry day and tomorrow I will start to do walks inside the pool as I havent walk long distances in weeks. Ive stopped biking but Im still walking as much as possible and do physical therapy exercises. I instantly got pretty much all the side effects, unfortunately memory and confusion were 2 of them and didnt realize what was happening until 13 pills into it. He wants to share that information with his colleagues in Brazil to see if there is something that can be done and for them to be more aware of the damage that these drugs may cause to some people. On August 3 2020 I was prescribed a 10 day course of Levaquin 750 mg. For a UTI. This process can take months though. The most important thing to remember about Cipro and Levaquin (ciprofloxacin toxicity & levofloxacin toxicity) toxicity is that its effect is cumulative. I used baking soda to withdrawal off of acid reducers (research how the body starts making more acid cells whole taking these meds). Im not sure if you are familiar with it. I read you story and Im so sorry you had to go through that. The Cipro has somehow turned off everything? This is the time it takes for your body to reduce the plasma levels by half. He apologized, he told me that was aware about the side effects but he never wanted to harm me. It showed in my blood tests, the way I felt, and my performance when training. Whey proteins amino acids are also very bioavailable and also significantly raise levels of IGF-1 which helps boost collagen synthesis, which can improve and speed up tendon and ligament recovery. An Advil and Tylenol helped, in the beginning, take the edge off, but I stopped taking. Suspect Vocal Cord Dysfunction!). One of the mechanisms green tea protects against arthritis is by suppressing the same MMP enzymes that are linked to damage from quinolone antibiotics [7]. They also help improve the structure and strength of collagen. There are many different phytonutrients that can have protective effects by increasing cell protection mechanisms, up-regulating DNA repair, reducing pro-inflammatory cytokines and immune system dysfunction, and protect against oxidative stress and cell death. But this Cipro in mind is literally driving me crazy. Its INSANE that neither the doc or pharmacist warned me or gave me anything to read up on about the risks. Ginger helps to alleviate symptoms of nausea and also dry mouth. The best for me so far has been the Magnesium Citrate and the absolute best is Magnesium Chloride but in its topic form. I couldnt sleep at all for the last three nights. I did have the ability to take some months off work through the worst of it so that helped a lot. You can see the extent of my problems after taking Cipro by checking out this forum. It's an antibiotic, right? Potassium (prescribed). "Cipro is the only approved drug we have for anthrax. My head is still all cloudy, no memory, cant concentrate, lots of anxiety, plenty of depression when I never had any. Adults500 to 750 milligrams (mg) 2 times a day, taken every 12 hours for 14 days. I went to a hospital emergency the day after. I put the radio on very low in my room, kept it fairly cold, and took some herbal tea to help relax me. The dose is usually 15 milligram (mg) per kilogram (kg) of body weight every 8 to 12 hours for 14 days. They tested for MS, Lyme, epstein-barr, gullian barre, kidneys, liver function, blood count levels, they checked for different viruses and bacteriaes, i mean they literally searched for everything The only thing they could come up with was I small discrepancy in the white matter in my brain likely caused from a concussion I received a few weeks early. Dr advised first dose evening of the 3rd and next dose in the morning. If tolerated some IV PTC with a very slow escalation stacked with nutrients and GSH (in a sequence). Tendonitis was gone the next day. Ill try to reach out to people whove been affected and ask what supplements theyve found helpful. I can flex my legs Aquiles tendons as before without pain. Your email address will not be published. So for example, if Cipro messed up the GABA system in the brain, you can get 20+ symptoms just from that alone. Its not unique to Cipro, but how the body responds generally to toxic drugs, chemicals, or substances. How long ago did you take the Ciprofloxacin? In baby steps, Im getting better every day. Magnesium, which I take in a combo with zinc and calcium. I find it hard to believe that the odds of these adverse, and potentially deadly effects are as low as theyre claimed to be. While I did sometimes notice old symptoms come back or new ones appear as I added new supplements, these effects were always temporary. For weeks I had to use crutches to go from my bed to the bathroom due the pain. Like I said, youre kind of my only friend currently? It doesnt hurt to keep some at hand, its just a sugar that cannot be absorbed by the body and it goes into the bladder. He gave me a set of 5 exercises to do daily to strengthen the Achilles tendon and the foot which I learned under the supervision of a physical therapist . amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; I have tinnitus also but it really doesnt bother me. At Regenerative Medicine LA, we specialize in providing cipro toxicity treatment using a combination of methods such as stem cell therapy, iv therapy, supplements, among others. At first, I was much more prone to injuries of the ligaments, tendons, and muscles like many of us were after these antibiotics but that went away also as I trained my body to become stronger. Although recent studies have concluded that omega 3 may not benefit people with dry eyes (something people who are floxed may suffer from), I found that omega 3 completely eliminated symptoms of dry eyes when I took it after taking Cipro. So, what's the big deal? Spiking BP and very rapid heartbeat. While my condition has worsened in some areas since my last dose (you all know the symptoms), I feel some improvement in others. If you would rather drink green tea, check out my article on sencha vs matcha green tea. I am multi floxed. However, I ventured into Ozone IV therapy, Ozone Saunas. After reading the side effects, I called my GI offi e who ordered it for an ecoli intestinal infection and I was told to stop it. Or collagen peptides? Im already taking magnesium, B12, B2, a MVT which includes D3/K2, Omega 3 as well as GI Revive. It took me a lot of crying and healing to be able to contact the person that caused me so much pain and damage. I myself am a nurse practitioner and I have prescribed Cipro to patients many times, with the one rare and well known tendon rupture side effect ( which we are told you never see) Ill never prescribe this again after what happened to me! My naturopath was called into service when I had a severe reaction to stress that gave me dangerously high blood pressure all of a sudden. I admire your proactive approach and determination. My eyes felt dry and irritated. We had a long and sincere chat where I told him in detail how are the side effects specially the neurological ones which in me where like to be in a living hell. I was never given any black box warnings or information about the drug at all. And why my doctor for some reason wants to repeat. For four weeks I experienced acute physical and mental suffering as you did until due a miracle I found that at least in my body the cocoa for some reason can stop the inflammation, anxiety and pain. HBOT AND INTRAVENOUS THERAPY Sorry to hear about your experience. BUT the problem being when I was younger I was an IV drug user, I literally do not have a single vein, like when I had my son two years ago they couldnt find a vein with the ultra sound machine even for the IV so to even get an IV for the contrast for an MRI that I dont even need (or to have blood tests done) I would have to get a picc line which wouldnt be very much fun. Julie, And Im drinking a TON of filtered water with trace minerals added back in and totally never pee? I also created this blog as a resource for people who are interested in starting a vegan diet and to stay healthy while on it. I alternate drinking warm freshed squeezed lemon water and diluted Apple Cider Vinegar every morning on empty stomach. Sad but true! B12. I tried to make appointment with specialist but the opening are in early 2022 and I am not sure if I can take it for another some weeks. You know what happened You just need to make sure that your body is functioning and youre not in any immediate danger (hence why I recommend blood tests to rule things out). One of the differences between my story and others is my proactive approach to recovery from day one. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; I immediately called my doctor who was out sick 3 times and called the ER 3 times with nobody willing to talk to me or offer any advice ( too risky to help people over the phone lol) before a ER nurse told to just call 911 and go to the hospital because I must be having a stroke!! She had painful bladder, very frequent burning urination, her lower stomach looked bloated and she felt unwell. Organic Tamarind, Nascent Iodine, Boron Supplement, Magnesium L-Threonate, Vit D3 & K2, Alpha Lipoic Acid, NAC, Selenium, Grape Seed Extract. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; I dont have much of an appetite. I am going out today to get some supplements to continue my road to recovery. Congrats in the recovery. Polyphenols and other nutrients promote healthy stem cells and their proliferation to promote healing. I can handle the physical. I also took l-theanine, and magnesium. It did the job in 4 days. It will feel like Im making progress but then Ill have a bad week. I also found out that the high dose I was on , 750 mg. Is a 5 day course. I learned it needs to be taken with black pepper capsules and flaxseed oil (or other oil). When I was floxed I started to take a supplement called Essential Mix by AOR. What a mystery, but I am glad I found something that alleviates my suffering and is helping me to recover. As you are a successful survivor If you recall something else that helped you in tour recovery please let us know. If you have any significant tendon, ligament or muscle damage from Cipro, I recommend you take protein supplements. Thankyou, Hi Matt, My husband was floxed in the 1990s, and we didnt realize it until relatively recently. Dr. Ghalili has performed countless hours of research into Cipro and Levaquin toxicity, studying how they affect your body and determining why they cause toxicity. Contemplating Suicide: Cipro Poisoning is that Bad By Thanksgiving Day, I was in such terrible pain physically and mentally. I had no issues like these ever. My current diet has plenty of calcium in green leaves as spinach and nuts that I prepare in smoothies. Trying to tell me I have MS. Youtube, Dr. Howard Liberwitz and Dr. Shallenberger. The product line for Reflex Whey protein has since changed since 2007 2009, but there are many good options to choose from. Sorry to hear about your experience I still wonder why us though, why did it affect us so badly whereas many people dont seem to have issues. Im only 29 and have no previous medical history but I was biking a lot when I took Cipro to train for a 200-mile ride and I think that might be why I was affected. One this resolves, they all go away. Its very low for me, so 99% of the time dont hear it. Nowadays my skin generates melamine in hours, and I get tanned. Then, pain on the inside of both ankles and both elbows. I do occasionally have a flare from unknown causes. Bought it straight from an Urgent Care for 15 bucks and it came in a generic white bottle titled Ciprofloxacin. I could function more normally after about 14 months out from taking Cipro. Essential Supplements on a plant-based diet. This can just help boost genes that increase autophagy (remove damaged organelles like mitochondria), DNA repair, etc. I forgive him and I no longer resent him anymore. I know many people who are floxed are scared of using animal-based products, so perhaps the vegan option will be better. Poly-MVA oral or IV Low dose oral PTC (1 gram a day) but watch for agitation. Some others Ive noticed that help are lipsomal zen (because I read in addition to the mitochondrial damage and collagen damage, cipro is a gabba inhibitor, which could be tied to the anxiety), and also I take l-arginine for circulation and hawthorne berry to strengthen the walls of the heart. Inexpensive product and you may apply it as spray all over your body. As soon as Amazon delivered the box I ate a whole bar. I sprayed the magnesium oil on and rubbed them a bit. No appetite but I am eating nutritiously. Any new protocol youd suggest since initial post. However, antioxidants and tendon supporting drugs might help in recovery. And oh my goodness if I walk too fast or go up the stairs it feels like Im going to pass out! I wish you well and a very fast recovery from Cipro! I personally believe that the FQs should only be given in a life or death scenario, yet they're still handed out all too lightly, despite new restrictions from both Europe and the FDA. If youve had a severe reaction after taking an antibiotic called Cipro, it can be a scary time if youve read some of the horror storieson the internet. Since the last 4 days I am able to cook, shower, do the laundry and do all the normal duties. I too suffered from severe insomnia after the very first dose of Cipro. I have insomnia. Required fields are marked *. 80 grs. Dark Chocolate is mentioned in it as a pre-biotic and my help in soothing them. One week of improvement and stability eating Dark Chocolate. if you get pain, feel pins and needles, tingling, tickling, numbness or burning, or weakness especially in the legs or arms; if you get swelling in the shoulder, arms or legs, have walking difficulty, feel tired or depressed or have problems with your memory or with sleeping or you notice changes with your vision, taste, smell or hearing. Crutches to go to ER or IV low dose oral PTC ( 1 gram a day starting today also improve... 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