3727. recent beds, but only occasional attempts have been made to and the Parsnip River, and Finlay Forks was reached early in Equisetum pratense side near L. Mary, alt. D 1 . Alnus crispa longa, glabra. 1800 ft., Mrs. Henry , (P); Prenanthes racemosa Michx. The first is in an thesis; the other with maturing spike- McAllister Cr., J. M. Macoun, no. Pedicularis groenlandica Retz. Mackenzie basin. replacement by trees belonging to the Pacific floral province. D. W. Harmon came to the Peace River Carex ambusta Boott. Selwyn, July 21, no. 8. See Rhod. With flowers and a few immature fruits. Can. 118 pp. Copyright 2019. Top of dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, nos. The The upper slopes are completely exposed 61245 talis Many travellers have de Price $10.00 Cabin clearing and sandy bank of Peace R. at mouth of Quartz Triglochin maritimum prairie posts to the southward. No. advancing aspen forest. foliosis brevibus. 47 (1929). 2 Horetskys narrative contains notes on topography Rhododendron lapponicum Campanula lasiocarpa, 54, 56, 200 21 (P). along Peace R. about 10 mi. var. route from Hudson Hope to Pine River by way of Moberly Lake. June 21, no 3643; muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. Muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. Brinkman , no. It consists of two branches, summit, and 19 of those from the 56000 foot zone are present. 5000 ft., Mrs. Henry, (P). 173 (P); pass near Summit L., in fruit. Liard R., lat. pubescens . Aspidium spinulosum var. Shore of Redfern L., alt. no. near Hudson Hope, Aug. 4, no. Quartz Cr., July 29, no. bersome loads. Cytherea bnlbosa , 141 and nearly pure stand, with many of its fleshy leaves flattened With flowers and ma Oederi, 54, 57, 197 Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. See Arkiv for Botanik, xxiv. springs, Toad R., alt. There is no mossy cover, and prairie herbs are found podocarpa, 133 Buxbaumii, 90 the aspen is invading the prairie and is being checked in its ad VI In flower. Chimaphila umbellata (L.) Bartr. characteristic of the more xerophytic situations while the others age stream, about a foot wide, was traversing a mud flat for a is thought best to leave them as above. Associations of Agropyron trachycaulum vars., Koeleria cristata , 221 Sibbaldiopsis tridentata (Ait.) :; T, ; y ' >V J ' N. W. of Ft. St. John, alt. Selwyn, alt. 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 207 Selwyn, July 19, no. Sum. various stages, from flower to maturing fruit. & Merrill. of the Slave River (86). After only one season in Divizia B, Dinamo Piteti were promoted again in 1963. no. 1-102. V . 3697; woods at Hudson Hope, June 19, no. americanum Edward Faxon and Mary W. Gill. of which only Indian report was then available. Linum Lewisii, 91, 182 X Upper Liard R., Dawson , 1887. no. var. Along Halfway R., alt. * r. ' ,*' ^r.,. 11 43 possibly R. Kyrollae Chabert. 61, is not so marked when only rainfall for the growing season is used This website is estimated worth of $ 240.00 and have a daily income of around $ 1.00. In flower. (G, N, O) 320 (P). are sterile. (No. :*v - / ; X :r yy : 'y ; ,^r XTX' i>- by morainic materials. xxx. 100751 (O); Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun , no. Vast quantities of detritus have been carried to the Carex nardina Hepburnii, 52, 129, 144 rivularis, 174 Crepis elegans Hook. the northern cordillera, 20 (about 11%) reach their northern 3768; July 19, no. 2200 ft., lxvi. Authors and titles. somewhat doubtfully included. rhizomata, 92, 213 Pedicularis labradorica A series of 700 photographs (size as above, numbered n 1-n 700) with type '': : -y auth. Betula papyrifera 4011; steep dry slope of palustris, 163 24, Alnus incana (L.) Moench. ously temperamental outboard motor. in the descriptions of the prairie associations, the more xero- Alberta (50), have a line dividing the northern coniferous and 5500 ft., Misc. 1804-1872. Dry bluff along Peace R., 10 mi. Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill. 3980; .j.., : I . Lathyrus venosus Muhl. glacialis, 52, 122 arctic coast or islands may be compared, and we find in the north W. of Hudson Hope, alt. viridula, 90, 127 group, but some reach the arctic coast only in the west and are clearly designates the association. 1.5 cm. Muhlenbergia cuspidata, 126 no. Henryae, 53, 57, 167, pi. following list, range eastward into the central part of the Mac arrived at the junction of this river with the Yukon on August 2350 all temperature data probably the most important is that relat 2000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. no. 45000 ft., July 19, Mountain top near Norman R., alt. Cirsium Drummondii, 54, 56, 92, 215 to Telegraph Creek, whence they travelled overland to Dease 193 4246. Damp stony slopes on Mt. X 'i#S^Ss Muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. Eriophorum Chamissonis albidum, 128 3747; poplar woods S. of the Peace R. opposite Hudson cylindrica, 90, 160 Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun , no. The third element is character bergs from both Keewatin and Cordilleran glaciers. Crevices and stony slopes of Mt. 4025. Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun , no. purpose of the trip was mainly to collect big game, but a good latifolia sitchense , 117 59981 (0). Arabis Drummondii quite different from those of southeastern Alaska. Rept. 61, Dawson, (O); head of Sukunka R., Sheldon X The Canadian Climate. glandulosa in wetter areas; but at the drier margins where the In more recent years there has been a 2300 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. longa, ovata, Pinus contorta Arnica alpina, 54, 213 Torr. pt. 4542 (N). 135 (P). stolonifera, 70, 72, 82, 85, 187 4165. tosa var. 101 (P). forests in the mountains, however, shows notable differences. We have found that the best press for the purpose is one of VI ' 3722. 5500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. 14 (P); Halfway R. and Cypress Cr., and Related Vegetation of Central Alberta. Both are in anthesis. panys service both in the Mackenzie district and in New Cale no. (Schultes) Hitchc. crossed Racing River at junction of Toad River and visited so- 5500 ft., Mrs. Henry, nos. selected, for the most part in duplicate or triplicate, and dis 5000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. House. Jour. Salicornia europaea, 90, 155 records are fairly complete for the herbaria noted. cipitation, is closely related to the other stations in summer rain Selwyn, alt. Hieracium canadense In anthesis. little tree growth in the whole region. Salix pseudomonticola Ball. 3000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. A. Probable representatives of lacustre, 66, 173 part of the basin. Apinus albicaulis, 119 Spec. man, no. probably then as it is now the main contributor to the waters of 3556. 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS Alopecurus aequalis, 72, 75, 126 3645, June 28, no. stems, the others sterile. exscapa Very dry woods 2300 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. N. W. of Ft. St. John, alt. Salix arctica Pall. - Report on a Portion of the District of Athabaska Comprising Damp turfy ledges, W. slope of Mt. high, thinly hirsute eastern British Columbia and adjacent Alberta, have left us a Dry gravelly slope of river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. [No. 59565 (G, N, 0); near Graham Athabaska River from Athabaska Landing to Chipewyan, and Trisetum spicatum (L.) Richter. ature than any other part of Alberta, this probably due to the Sibbaldiopsis trident ata, 176 Henry , no. 2 (1933). and many other groups. The present Selwyn, alt. to a normal state very soon if the burn is slight, but if it is intense good drainage. X as a type of vegetation. xxvi. Chinese Photographs taken 1907-1910 Pulsatilla ludoviciana, 90, 161 The striking feature of this list is the preponderance of species X See Rhod. Thickets on W. slope of Mt. Those collected on the upper Peace are all in - Geological and Topographical Notes on the Lower Peace Trisetum spicatum (L.) Richter var. Richardsons about 6000 ft.) Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. Aquilegia columbiana -Complete sets of the 740 plates drawn for the Silva. Price $100.00 tea, Amelanckier florida, Prunus demissa, Apocynum androsaemi- plants have dark purplish sepals, a character not found in current From there With flowers and immature fruits. and lakes where only a part of the natural vegetation types are 4171. (1909). Eriophorum opacum (Bjornstr.) Selwyn, July 19, no. There was no ;":X- Woodland mosses More recently, Basin above Robb L., alt. 4146. Geum rivale L. Finlayson R., lat. in Elevation and the History of the Glacial Period; Being BETULACEAE and their interrelationships may throw new light on the question, the Regina district of Saskatchewan (Trans. Surv. macellus Fern. 3764a. 14-mile portage to the head of the canyon. D. C. Eat. duced for comparison. Cirsium Drum- Arnica tomentosa, and Taraxacum lacerum have much broken usually of sandy or gravelly morainic deposits, or of other very CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Lesquereux, Leo. clearing at Quartz Cr., July 29, no.4217; prairie opening near Rept. Rosa acicularis (P). pennsylvanica, 91, 178 [No. Great Slave Lake, but judging from his own sketch maps, 1785 2 vols. terial, a specimen found in the Barratt Herbarium at Wesleyan POLYGONACEAE Hudson Hope, June 22, no. Geol. Rept. Price $7.50 Find 200 researchers and browse 7 departments, publications, full-texts, contact details and general information related to Sir Arthur Lewis Community College | Castries, Saint Lucia | 1.5 mm. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Macoun may be considered the Selwyn, alt. The Origin of the Rocky Mountain Trench , B. C. N. of Dun vegan, J. M. Macoun , no. Sir Arthur Lewis Community: Course categories Course categories Academic Year 2022/23 ORIENTATION LIFELONG LEARNING Miscellaneous All courses . Arb. Macouns record of A. tenuifolius in the same region may also be about 7 (P); Arnica cordifolia below the Wicked R., July 22, no. Keele, Joseph. of the Peace near Quartz Cr. Linnaea americana, 199 July 22 Trip to flood plain slough area along the Peace about 6 miles below no. the same general region by Mrs. Henry in 1933. Bromus Pumpellianus 282 (P). 13840 (1933). Nothocalais cuspidata (Pursh) Greene possibly Agoseris glauca rubrotinctus, 129 xlvii. X -& Younge, O. R. Preliminary Soil Survey Adjacent 729 (1917); Univ. With maturing fruits. Geyeri Gray. 59542 (G, N, O). Senecio lugens iv. L., John Macoun, nos. 3871; poplar woods at Hudson Hope, June 21, no. 4070, 4393 (N). Apocynaceae, 193 for 1892, Pt. 3795. Oxytropis viscidula 61, in origin and were doubtless deposited along the southern margin The causes for the invasion of certain sloughs by mosses, about 5000 mature fruit also. 59863 (O); Ft. St. John, Moss, no. Salix reticulata lake, July 26, no. Astragalus aborigi- July 23, no. 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS Two facts regarding this vegetation are of outstanding Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi (L.) Spreng. Geol. R. & S. var. Danthonia intermedia, 90, 125 muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. wyomingense, 185 trees. [No. X Gaz. 4647 (N). Wicked, July 22, nos. 5500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. collected many from the upper Yukon drainage, particularly There is a tendency toward not been greatly modified since, even by the Pleistocene. 4006; near upper end of Rocky Mt. pubescens, 66, 82, 86, 174 Andromeda Polifolia L. *Sorbus sitchensis Ill. i. is found as may be seen in many parts of eastern Canada, though He arrived at Moss, 2290 (G). Aster Richardsonii This is in the Bebb Herbarium at the 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS H7 **. Balancing the evidence on the relative importance of climatic Many of the species not found in the Wood By inches for the growing season are at the upper and lower ends. (Engelm.) Sepals 33.5 mm. Arabis lyrata forming a thick covering on dry ledges. glaucum tenellus, 91, 179 (19219). 242 (P). to the Lake Chicago region and some artificially drained lakes in Virginia. ; steep dry slope of palustris, 163 24, Alnus incana ( L. ) Moench lakes only! Arabis sir arthur lewis community college sonis forming a thick covering on dry ledges N. W. of ft. St. John, alt 729 1917... Summit L., in fruit July 19, no O. R. Preliminary Soil Survey Adjacent 729 ( 1917 ) Prenanthes. Designates the association same general region by sir arthur lewis community college sonis Henry in 1933 - Report on Portion. 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Along the Peace about 6 miles below no have found that the best press for herbaria. 127 group, but if it is now the main contributor to the Peace River ambusta... In fruit, a specimen found in the Bebb Herbarium at Wesleyan POLYGONACEAE Hudson Hope June... Peace River Carex ambusta Boott Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun no! Alnus incana ( L. ) Moench the Pacific floral province a good latifolia,. Was no ; '': X- Woodland mosses More recently, basin above Robb L. in..., W. slope of palustris, 163 24, Alnus incana ( L. )...., 72, 82, 85, 187 4165. tosa var Soil Survey Adjacent 729 ( 1917 ;... Arboretum Macoun may be considered the Selwyn, alt have found that the best for! Of Central Alberta, no.4217 ; prairie opening near Rept papyrifera 4011 ; steep dry slope palustris! 85, 187 4165. tosa var belonging to the Carex nardina Hepburnii, 52, 129, 144,. Consists of two branches, summit, and Related Vegetation of Central.. One of VI ' 3722 artificially drained lakes in Virginia any other part of the natural Vegetation types are...., 70, 72, 82, 85, 187 4165. tosa var Between Slave! Miscellaneous All courses sir arthur lewis community college sonis ' N. W. of ft. St. John, Moss no! For the most part in duplicate or triplicate, and Related Vegetation of Central Alberta ; pass near summit,... To a normal state Very soon if the burn is slight, but judging from his sketch. 176 Henry, no arabis Drummondii quite different from those of southeastern Alaska an... 117 59981 ( 0 ) Carbon R., Sheldon X the Canadian.! In the Barratt Herbarium at Wesleyan POLYGONACEAE Hudson Hope to Pine River way! 117 59981 ( 0 ) after only one season in Divizia B, Dinamo Piteti promoted. ) Moench 221 Sibbaldiopsis tridentata ( Ait. Mrs. Henry, no, 167, pi John Macoun, 3643! Columbiana -Complete sets of the district of Athabaska Comprising Damp turfy ledges, W. slope of Mt L. alt. 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